Real Catfights! Ramona Singer told Nene Leakes to “Shut up!” at the Bravo A-List Awards

In Nene Leake’s new tell-all memoir Never Make the Same Mistake Twice, she mentions an interesting little incident we’d all like to be a fly on the wall to witness: Ramona Singer telling her to “Shut up!” at the Bravo A-List Awards. I can see her crazy eyes goin’ nuts on Nene, not realizing she’s met her match and then some. Nene’s more than twice her size, and more than twice the attitude. And Nene’s attitude always has a shred of truth to it, unlike most of the other fiery women in the franchise, who are coming from a place of delusion.
Here’s the little interchange via Nene’s words:
Ramona Singer from The Real Housewives of New York almost caught it that same week when we were all in the green room waiting to go on to our next function, and I was midsentence talking about something or other, and she just yelled out to me, “Shut up!” Like she’s lost her damn mind. “I’m hungry and I’m ready to go and you guys are talking an I just want you to shut up!” she whined.
“Oh, you better hold on, Ramona,” I snapped. “Somebody better tell those chicks from New York that sh*t is not about to happen up in here!”
I mean, those girls from the other shows would have me ready to box on the regular. I told Bravo that if they really wanted a good show, they should have all of us live together. Now that would be a trip.
Bravo should totally do a show with a bunch of the women locked up together. None of them would make it out alive, but it would make for good television. It could be called The Real Big Brother Housewives or something.
~ Carrie Glass
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