PHOTOS Pinup model Kimmie Caracoles offers date to whoever finds Jesse James’ dog Cinnabun

Pinup model Kimmie Caracoles

West Coast Choppers owner and “Mr. Sandra Bullock” Jesse James lost his pit bull Cinnabun Monday near Long Beach, California. The custom motorcycle fabricator and reality show star has launched an all out search party assault in the area surrounding his chopper shop where the fawn pit bull was last seen wearing a pink collar.

In addition to offering a $2,000 reward, Jesse has brought in the professional puppy pinpoint people from – the same folks who assisted Jessica Simpson after her little doggie got carried off by a coyote last year. The service is robo-calling everyone in the area with information about the missing canine. TMZ reports:

According to the automated message, 9-month-old Cinnabun was spotted yesterday roaming around the K-9 Corner dog park in Long Beach … but she’s still on the loose.

Jesse’s not the only one trying to find the pooch – it seems West Coast Choppers pinup model Kimmie Caracoles must have developed a fondness for the little guy as she is offering a date with herself to whoever finds Cinnabun. Here is her tweet from earlier today:

Kimmie Caracoles tweets a reward for whoever finds Jesse James' dog Cinnabun

“find cinnabun and win a date with beautiful me!!! and you know what that means…..(i’ll probably let you touch my boob)”

“Probably touching a boob” is enough to motivate teen geeks across this great country move mountains! Especially hot fun pinup boobs! Something tells me that dog is about to be found. Who am I kidding? That’s about as good an offer as I’ve heard in a while. Maybe I’ll get an airplane ticket and a dog whistle and take my chances!

Before you pack your bags and head to the airport you should know that Kimmie does have a rather prominent bit of ink on her trunk on the form of a huge rose booty tattoo:

Wow! I’m not a huge fan of tattoos or spanking – but that there is the most spankable tattoo ever! What? Oh yeah! The dog!

Here are a couple photos of Cinnabun to help increase the chances that one of our readers living in the Long Branch, California area might actually touch a model boob. (Plus, you might get to meet Sandra Bullock! I wouldn’t recommend touching her boob, though.)

Picture of Cinnabun, Jesse James' missing pit bull

Jesse James has offered a reward for his missing pitbull Cinnabun

If you see Cinnabun, give Find Toto a call at 877-738-8686!

The original pinup photo at the top of this post was taken by Robert Alvarado – check out more of his racy, sexy pinup photos (including more of Kimmie) at!

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