
PHOTOS Adele promises to sue over fake sex tape rumors

Public magazine announces Adele sex tape to be released

French paparazzo Jean-Claude Elfassi announced on Twitter yesterday that he had obtained a sex tape starring singer Adele and he would be releasing it online today. The French tabloid Public featured a cover story announcing “Exclusive! Adele sex tape! Her ex’s revenge!” along with three pages of stills allegedly from the tape, which features someone that looks like the singer in the back seat of a car:

Public magazine still photos allegedly from Adele's sex tape

The magazine says they purchased the tape from Adele’s ex for “several thousand Euros.”

Her lawyers say there is no sex tape starring Adele and the photos are fake. “We are informed that the French magazine Public has today published images which it claims show our client in a sex tape,” her attorneys told the Daily Mail. “Our client has not appeared in a sex tape as claimed in the article. Our client does not appear in the photographs. Such claims are untrue and grossly defamatory. Our client is taking legal action in relation to this matter.”

Adele shared a rare tweet a few days ago (since deleted) that simply read, “I hate the paparazzi,” which some are speculating now was in response to the pending sex tape release. Although she has offered up similar sentiments before, such as her April 29 appearance on The Graham Norton Show when she was telling a humorous tale of attention she was receiving by photographers actually looking for Elle MacPherson. “I hate the paparazzi – it’s all the time and they pop up everywhere. I had a huge row with them the other day telling them to go away – then I realized they were not there for me but for Elle MacPherson who lives in the same street.”

The links tweeted by Elfassi are no longer working, but according to a comment made on his Facebook wall (if I’m reading the poor French-to-English translation correctly) the site is down to a huge traffic surge as opposed to the legal threats. (And speaking of his Facebook wall and poor translations, here is my favorite comment left by someone on his Adele post link that I think I will leave untranslated: “jetais sous la douche!”)

Here’s Jean-Claude Elfassi’s Facebook profile photo with his “angry bird” pixelated:

Jean Claude Elfassi

And here is one of the still images from the alleged Adele sex tape that he shared on his blog. (He must really like that angry middle finger photo)

Adele sex tape photo

Something tells me that Paparazzo le Pew there is not going to let this die and we’ll be seeing this tape starring whoever in the next couple days. And I’d be willing to bet a lot of coin there will be a story about how much money Vivid Entertainment is offering for it.

On a side note, did anyone else notice that the French don’t appear to have very many celebrities of their own, at least not according to the cover of Public.

(I promised the editors I wouldn’t make a “Rolling In The Deep Throat” joke so I didn’t.)

UPDATE – Jean-Claude Elfassi has continued his charming ways by participating in Follow Friday on Twitter with “#FF @officialadele évidemment <3" (évidemment means obviously)

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