PHOTO Nicki Minaj unveils Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded album cover

Nicki Minaj ink Friday: Roman Relodaed album cover

Nicki Minaj unveiled the album cover to her sophomore effort Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded on Twitter earlier today. The artwork features a blonde Minaj with Ke$ha-esque ’80s glam fluorescent face paint set against a colorful splatter paint background.

The photo was shared along with Nicki’s tweet, “Pink Friday: ROMAN RELOADED | April 3rd | #AlbumCover #ItBangBang”

Perhaps it’s because of her recent passing, but this cover has me humming Whiteny Houston’s “How Will I Know” for some reason…

Whitney Houston How Will I Know single art

Nicki just needs a huge, over-sized hair bow and she’d be good to go!

So what do you think of the new album cover? Love it? Hate it? So young that you don’t even know what an “album” cover is? Let us know int he comments below!

Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded comes out April 3, but you can pre-order your copy now at!

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