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Peggy Tanous high school yearbook photos as Peggy Farney

Peggy Tanous high school yearbook photo

Check out these photos of a teenage Peggy Tanous when she went by the name Peggy Farney while attending Foothill High School in Santa Ana, California between 1985 and 1987! The top photo is from her senior year and features Peggy showing off her fly ’80s pouf hairdo. (Has all that Aquanet made it up to the ozone layer yet?)

This next photo is from Peggy’s junior year in 1986. The pouf has yet to materialize at this point – or else a rainstorm killed it:

1986 photo of Peggy Tanous when she was Peggy Farney at Foothill High School

And a similar shot of Peggy when she was a lowly sophomore, looking much like she would the following year:

Real Housewives of Orange County Peggy Tanous high school yearbook photo

And as a bonus, here is young Peggy from 1986 at the Winter Formal Dance with a feller named John Fitterer – both looking as though they are either about to participate in some “risky business” or perhaps star in a Corey Hart video:

Peggy Tanous attends a high school dance at Foothill High School in Santa Ana

If you’ve been paying close attention to the site and our posts about Peggy you will know this is the third different alias for the Housewife. In between being Peggy Farney and Peggy Tanous, she was a professional model by the name of Peggy Tyler. (You can see photos of her on numerous Bench Warmer pin up collector cards HERE.)

As if that weren’t complicated enough, according to the indexes of these yearbooks her name wasn’t even really Peggy! That’s right, it appears as though Peggy Tanous Tyler Farney was actually born Margaret C. Farney! This woman has more aliases than James Bond! (The name Margaret Stephenson also appears connected to her on a couple sites for online records, but I haven’t figured out if that’s an error or perhaps an indication she was previously married. If you know anything that might help me out feel free to drop me a line at starcasmtips (at) yahoo.com!)

Click to check out yearbooks online at E-Yearbooks.com

Photos: E-Yearbook.com (For those who enjoy poking through the scholastic time capsules known as yearbooks, this site is nirvana! Plus, it’s a great way to get back at your buddies on Facebook!)

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