
MUG SHOT Florida man indicted in deadly dog poop fight

Florida man Omar Rodriguez


A Florida man has been indicted and will go to court after a fight over dog poop in his front yard turned deadly. Omar Rodriguez’s victim died of two gunshot wounds following the altercation last month.

According to the Miami Herald, Rodriguez, 66, of Kendall FL, became violent during an argument with neighbor Jose Rey last month, shouting at Rey that Rey’s dog had defecated on Rodriguez’s lawn, and that Rey needed to clean the mess up.

Witnesses reported that Rey was walking his dog near Rodriguez’s home when Rodriguez pulled up in his car behind Rey, and, in an attempt at getting the man’s attention, revved his car’s engine and flashed his lights. Rodriguez then accused Rey of letting his dog poop in the yard.

Rey, alarmed, took the dog home. When he returned to the scene, Rodriguez had removed his shirt and “was ready for a fight.” The police report states that Rey had his hands in the air and was backpedaling, but that Rodriguez shot the man three times.

This account differs from the story the Florida man’s attorney offered in court. Alan Ross, representing Rodriguez, said that Rey pulled a knife on his client.


Dog two


(Devoteés will recall that this is a different case of a fight stemming from a Florida poop smear. Earlier this year, a Florida woman–and not a Florida man–was arrested for a similar, but distinctly different charge; hers related to dog poop.)

Neighbors of Rodriguez’s in both Kendall and Coral Gables have filed more than 140 complaints about the Florida man over the past seven years. Those neighbors allege that Rodriguez has threatened them verbally, followed them in his car, accused them of neutering animals inside their homes, and even, according to one woman, left dead kittens in her swimming pool.

Though he has been arrested several times since 2008, Rodriguez has managed to avoid jail time.


(Photo credits: Dogs one, two via Flickr; Florida man Omar Rodriguez via Miami-Dade Corrections)

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