Miley Cyrus banned from the Dominican Republic for “morality” issues

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We’re coming up on the one-year anniversary of The Twerk Heard ‘Round The World, so what better time to be reminded that Miley Cyrus sometimes makes some people uncomfortable?

The Dominican Republic has outlawed a scheduled Cyrus show, claiming the performer “undertakes acts that go against morals and customs, which are punishable by Dominican law.”

The Santo Domingo gig had been set for September 13. Ticket prices ranged from $27 to $370 US dollars, and had been on sale for over a month.

This is not exactly the first time Cyrus has come under fire for her scantily clad, sexually suggestive performances. After The Great Twerk at last year’s VMAs, the Parents Television Council issued the following statement:

This much is absolutely clear: MTV marketed adults-only material to children while falsely manipulating the content rating to make parents think the content was safe for their children. MTV continues to sexually exploit young women by promoting acts that incorporate ‘twerking’ in a nude-coloured bikini. How is this image of former child star Miley Cyrus appropriate for 14-year-olds?

Cyrus herself has not issued a statement on the ban, and neither have her reps. The Dominican government hasn’t offered any commentary on its ruling.



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