Man in Darth Vader costume robs bank at gunpoint

An unidentified man turned to the dark side yesterday morning by robbing a Long Island bank disguised as the legendary Star Wars character Darth Vader.  He brandished a gun and demanded cash from the teller on staff at the Chase bank on Route 347 in Setauket on Long Island.  The teller, compelled by the force of the demands, complied.  The assailant then fled the bank and has yet to be apprehended.

Police are looking for assistance in hunting down the costumed Sith Lord before any other incidents or the construction of a Death Star occur.   He is described as being between 6’0′ and 6’2″ and in addition to the mask he sported a blue cape and camouflage pants which he was seen wearing by pedestrians as he escaped on foot.  There were no reports of any TIE fighters in the vicinity. 

Here is a video report filed by Fox News of the intergallactic incident:

Before brandishing his firearm customers of the bank were said to be laughing at the costumed bandit.  However, when he produced the pistol the patrons were no longer guilty of having a disturbing lack of faith in the danger that the criminal presented.  Their tiny little rebellion was silenced as they did what was demanded of them.

Area residents are hoping that there will be no sequel to this heist.  They are still traumatized by Hayden Christensen’s turn as Vader in the Star Wars prequels.

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