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Mama June Shannon and Sugar Bear aren’t legally married, plus everyone should follow Mama June’s financial advice

Honey Boo Boo’s parents Mama June Shannon and Sugar Bear Thompson had a fabulous camo-themed “wedding” ceremony this May, but it turns out they aren’t legally married.

While June was promoting the new season of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo that premieres tonight at 9 PM EST, and her new book How To Honey Boo Boo on Katie today to referred to it as a “commitment ceremony.” Back in May sources confirmed to E! News that it was not a legal marriage. But really, it doesn’t matter if they’re legally married or not, they’ve been together through a lot and it doesn’t seem like they’ll stop being shack ’em up mates any time soon. Right now, even though they’re taking over the world together, they’re also going through some rough time. In June Sugar Bear received a “not good” diagnosis from a neurologist after experiencing multiple fainting episodes.

June also had sage money advice to offer on Katie. Suze Orman better watch her back!

“Just because you got a little bit of money, why go spend that money? This may end tomorrow,” June said. “And you never know where you’re gonna be at. I don’t care if you got $5 million in the bank, I would never live beyond my means because you never know what could happen.” If only more people were as money smart as Mama June!

She told Wendy Williams that she has trust fund accounts set up for all the girls, including baby Kaitlyn: “I don’t see that money. What it is, I’ve got it set up to where they automatically go in to all five accounts, the four girls and the grand baby, and they can’t touch it until they’re 21.”

Katie asked June how she feels about the people who watch (or don’t watch) the show just to ridicule them and feel superior, and June had some more wise words. “If people laugh at us, hey, at least they’re getting a good laugh for the night. If people watch it just to feel superior, then hey, that’s them. I never claimed to represent the United States, or Georgia, or even McIntyre. I represent my family, and my family only . . . People come up to me and say ‘Oh my God, I can so relate. Thank you. Thank you for being the way you are.'”

CLICK HERE to see more camo-fabulous photos.

On a side note, when are you gonna get some glasses, Mama June?

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