Before the 90 Days Tell All spoilers: Lisa is ‘OK’ with Usman having more wives

90 Day Fiance Before the 90 Days Lisa and Usman Seeking Sister Wife

The 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Couples Tell All leaks continue! In the latest installment we have “Baby Girl” Lisa Hamme’s rather shocking admission that she is OK with Usman “Sojaboy” Umar taking additional wives!?

The topic of more potential Sojawives comes up after Lisa’s gal pal Nikki mentions Usman’s recent interview with the Lip Service podcast. “In my religion, and in my culture, I am allowed to get married to four wives,” Usman said during the live Q&A last month. “In as much as she cannot give child, even if we are going to stay together, I must get child,” he explained later. “And that is to say, I have to get married to another woman. It’s definitely. Not only Lisa, whoever I am going to stay with in my life, if you cannot give me a child, honestly I have to get another wife. That is must.”

Usman was asked by the podcast hosts if Lisa knew about the possibility of additional wives. “Yes, she knows that,” he said.

“And she’s OK with it?” host Angela Yee asked incredulously.

“She’s not OK with it, but she cannot stop me,” Usman explained. “Yeah, that is the truth.”

Getting back to the Tell All, which was recorded remotely over this past weekend…

Once Nikki brings up the Lip Service interview, host Shaun Robinson asks Usman whether or not it was true that he plans to marry more women.

“I don’t see myself taking more wives if Lisa gives me a child,” Usman says. “If Lisa could not give me a child, I have no option — I will definitely add a wife.” He continues: “As far as Lisa cannot give a child, I must add another wife, whether the world like it or not. But if Lisa gives me even one child, I don’t need another wife.”

Lisa is asked for her reaction, and it’s surprisingly calm. “Yes, he is entitled to take up to four wives,” she concedes. “But remember, in this type of lifestyle, they must be able to provide for the first wife: her house, her car, her insurance, her food. They must be able to provide all this stuff for the first wife before they get to get a second.”

Lisa then says that the prospect of Usman adding additional wives was not a surprise to her. “Yes, I knew this, because he and I talked about this for three years.”

Shaun presses Lisa and asks her whether or not she would be OK with Usman having one or more additional wives if he was able to take care of them financially.

“Yes, he can take up to four wives that he can provide for — every one the same,” Lisa replies. “And that means not only financially, emotionally and physically.”

Shaun shifts gears a bit. “Lisa, do you plan to have a child with Usman? And if you can’t, are you OK with him taking a second wife?”

“As long as he can provide for my house, I’m OK with it,” Lisa said again. “Because here in the United States, the marriage is not legal. To have a second, third, fourth wife, it’s not acknowledged. These women will not get anything as, per se, the Islamic wife…they are still not his legal wife. I am the legal wife.”

Shaun circles back. “Do you plan on having a child?”

“We’re certainly gonna try!” Lisa says as she laughs.

Lisa’s friend Nikki says she isn’t surprised to hear that the couple will try to have a baby, but Lisa being OK with additional wives was a bit of a shock. “That part I’m surprised about! I’m definitely surprised that just came out of her lips.”

Shaun returns to Lisa and presses an obvious point. “I just gotta ask you this Lisa. Lisa, you have problem with women sending him emojis in his DM, how are you going to deal with another woman having sex with Usman?”

“Well, I said if he takes four wives, I will take three more husbands,” Lisa replies. “Like I said, he will not take any more wives because he has his hands full with me.” Lisa laughs then points out: “He doesn’t need three more dramas.”

Usman talks more about his desire to have a biological child, and Lisa takes a page out of Angela Deem’s playbook by pointing out that they can take an egg from her and put it with Usman’s sperm. As an example, she says “we can make Nikki carry that baby.”

Nikki takes a page out of Angela Deem’s daughter’s playbook as she throws up her hands and repeats loudly: “Hold up now! Hold up now! My babies are done!”

Everybody gets into a big argument over whether or not in vitro fertilization would be OK according to the Quran, and eventually the topic is dropped.

Let me be the first to say that if TLC adds Lisa and Usman to their popular plural marriage reality series Seeking Sister Wife, I am all in!

I did want to point out that it’s still unclear what will be included in the final Tell All, and what will be cut. The multiple wives topic seems like a shoe-in for making it on air, but you never know. Stay tuned, we’ve got lots more Before the 90 Days Tell All spoilers coming!

Here are some links to more of our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Season 4 Couples Tell All spoiler posts:

Big Ed says Lisa treated Usman ‘like a little slave’, Lisa says Big Ed is a ‘f**king pervert’ who ‘has been grooming women’ in leaked Tell All video

Where did people watch the Before the 90 Days Tell All early? How did it leak?

HUGE David and Lana spoilers!

Tell All spoilers for Ed, Rose, Ash, Avery, Erika & Stephanie

Geoffrey & Varya update and Tell All spoilers

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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