
Jill Dillard and Derick Dillard reveal the sex of their baby


19 Kids and Counting‘s Jill Dillard and Derick Dillard revealed today that their first guess about the sex of their baby was wrong… Baby Dilly is actually a boy!

“I thought all along we were having a girl. Everyone made their guesses,” Jill told People, explaining three of her siblings went along to the sonogram appointment and they were planning to welcome a niece.

Although Jill and Derick agreed the ultimate goal is having a healthy baby, Derick admitted he was extra excited to learn he’s having a son.

“As a new dad, to have a firstborn son to be our first child and be the leader of his siblings, it is very special.”

A photo posted by Jill Dillard (@jillmdillard) on

Jill is just 18 weeks along in her pregnancy, but said the baby already seems to take after Dad.

“He stretched out his legs full length,” she said of the sonogram. “He was trying to be like Dad… We could have a giant. I called Derick’s mom and she was telling me that when Derick was born, he didn’t fit into the newborn clothes and his shoes were a size two.”

Now that they can plan for a baby boy, the couple is shopping for more gender-specific clothes and narrowing down their list of potential names.

“We are not going to do a letter theme, but we may do some kind of theme, like family names,” said Jill, whose siblings’ names all start with “J.” (I maintain they’ll call the baby Rick in honor of Derick’s late father.)

Congrats to Derick and Jill… Baby Boy Dilly is due in March 2015.

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