Jason Biggs announces he will not be in Season Three of Orange is the New Black
To the delight of OITNB fans everywhere, Jason Biggs has confirmed that he won’t be returning to the show for its upcoming third season. Biggs’ character, Larry Bloom, has been roundly criticized as the weakest part of an otherwise well-rounded show, and, when Piper broke up with him during bathroom sex in Season Two, there were a lot of crossed fingers and whispered prayers that that was the end for Biggsy-pants.
Now, those wishes have come true: “[The producers] are not focusing on Larry at the moment,” Biggs told the New York Daily News this week. “Larry will not be in season three. But there’s always a possibility he can come back.” Except, such a return would almost certainly mean that Larry has gotten back together with Piper. And, to be frank, Piper is far more interesting when she’s dealing with problems inside the prison, since Piper outside of prison is really just a boring WASP.
At the same time, Australian actress Ruby Rose has been cast as a mysterious, sexy new inmate for the third season of the show. According to Elle magaine, Rose’s character, named Stella Carlin, is a “lust object for both Alex and Piper.” Apparently there’s little more sizzle coming our way.
When can we expect it? Season Three will premiere in June of 2015. Netflix has already announced all of the episode titles, along with some plot details for each. Of particular interest to Orange die-hards? This season will feature fourteen new episodes–one more than the thirteen of seasons past.
Are you excited for Orange‘s big reveal? Or just waiting anxiously for this Friday’s return of House of Cards?
(Photo credits: WENN)