INFOGRAPHIC Which TV shows attract the wealthiest viewers?
When it comes to advertising, brands want to get the most bang for their buck. That means making sure their commercials go in front of viewers who are actually interested in their products — so understanding their demographic and the demographics of certain shows is key.
The Wrap analyzed Nielsen data for television viewers between 18 and 49 to determine how much spending power certain shows’ audiences really have. They found that the shows that attract the wealthiest viewers tend to be award-winning.
“It’s not too surprising that higher-income viewers are more likely to watch programs that are critically acclaimed and contenders for industry awards like the Golden Globes and Emmys,” Brad Adgate, senior vice president of research at Horizon Media, told The Wrap.
Considering older people generally have higher incomes and animated series generally attract younger viewers, it also makes sense that shows like Bob’s Burgers, American Dad and Family Guy are on the “poorer” end of the spectrum.
Check out The Wrap for the top and bottom 10 shows in terms of wealth.