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GYPSY SISTERS Is Nettie’s daughter Dallas married to Mellie’s ex Robbie York?

Are Gypsy Sisters star Mellie Stanley's ex Robbie York and Nettie Stanley's daughter Dallas Williams married?

There aren’t many blogs that cover Gypsy Sisters as much as Starcasm, but I have to confess that we can’t keep up with 90% of the off-screen drama that takes place! (And trying to keep up is only made more difficult by the fact that there are so many people involved with the same first and last names!) The latest jaw-dropping development comes courtesy of show matriarch Nettie Stanley, who posted a series of photos on Facebook (including the ones above and below) of her daughter Dallas Williams with Robbie York, the father of Mellie’s son Richard, and wrote, “My beautiful Daughter Dallas & My Son in Law Robbie & and grandson Richard.”

Gypsy Sisters Robbie York Dallas Williams

Hold on. Dallas and Robbie are married?!? And what are they doing with Mellie’s son Richard?!? Oh wait, that is Dallas’ son, also named Richard. (Which is also the name of Kayla’s ex.) As far as the marriage question, there has been no confirmation that the two have officially tied the knot, but they have been getting pretty hot ‘n’ heavy over the last week or so. Dallas shared this romantic collage on instagram and included a very descriptive caption:

Dallas Williams and Robbie York

I enjoyed my mans lips last night he’s always seem to find a way to make me happy despite anything else. I can talk to him about anything and he can aswell with me he’s my best friend. I would kill for this man, I will stand by him through thick & thin, good or bad. He is my heart ♥

The photos caused a bit of a stir in the comments section, with many people criticizing Dallas for breaking the “Girl Code” by getting with Mellie’s ex. It was pointed out by others that Dallas apparently dated Robbie first, and Dallas herself responded to the criticisms by writing, “Let me make this clear to everyone, I do not care if anyone is okay with this we are together and will stay together regardless of what anyone says or how they feel we are living for God and for our own happiness no one else’s.” (She also added a bunch of positive emoji at the end.)

UPDATE – Nettie has since taken to Facebook in reaction to this article and the photos and it appears as though it was Dallas who posted the photos and the caption. “ATT.. Dallas before u make a post under my FB let me no first,” Nettie wrote. So, apparently no marriage — just a relationship.

Meanwhile, Mellie seemed none too pleased with Robbie less than a week before Dallas’ everlasting love photo montage was posted. Here is her Facebook post on October 12:

Whoever talks to Robbie York let him know I called and left his probation officer a message and police in mArtinsburg is looking for him for coming over to my mothers he has a restraining order on him and he’s still f***ing up

We previously wrote about Robbie York’s criminal history, but since that time he has been booked at least once more. We found these two Virginia mug shot photos from May 20 and May 30 of this year, although it is unclear why Robbie was posing for the booking cameras on these occasions:

Gypsy Sisters Mellie Stanley's ex Robbie York mug shot 2014Gypsy Sisters Mellie Stanley ex Robbie York mugshot photo 2014 arrest

When Mellie’s post was shared on a Gypsy Sisters Facebook group page it drew some criticism (haters gonna hate, right?) and Mellie defended her actions:

No When it comes to MY KID I WILL DO WHAT I HAVE TO LAW WILL BE INVOLVEd that’s my child I could careless bout who he is with or not with I don’t want him this is about my child that he hasn’t seen in months or help take care of but all of a sudden he wants to be there nope not f***ing with baby’s head sorry

So, just to clarify, if Robbie York did marry Dallas that would mean he is Mellie’s son Richard’s dad and step-cousin and Dallas’ son Richard’s step-dad and former uncle. (That is if Mellie and Robbie’s brief marriage was legitimate, which many fans now have doubts about.) Still confused? (I know I am.) Here are some comments made on the Facebook group page that should make things about ten times worse:

Who is Dallas kids fathers?

Dallas kids dad is Jay Malone, Lottie, Danielle brother which is also Dallas’s cousin! Lottie is also married to Dallas brother whitey I think that’s his name! And Danielle is with Richard, Kayla’s ex, which is also her cousin!

Dallas father of her daughter is James Malone and of her son is Tyler. I don’t remember his last name but he was in first season. Mellie was mad w/ her on the show because that was Mellie’s ex. The [scene] took place in the limo on their way to see the horse races.

Tyler is a Gorger. No relation to no one.

Tyler was Mellie’s ex and he later on got w/ Dallas and she had his baby. He’s a blonde.

I remember the episode b4 Nettie said Dallas was pregnant with RICHARD— Dallas was saying Mellie was mad at her for dating Tyler because Mellie gets everybody and don’t WNA share.

No Tyler isn’t. Tyler isn’t Rumney. Jackie has 4 kids that I know of and they all look alike. Lottie, James, Danielle and Jesse.

Got a clearer picture now?

UPDATE – Mellie has since responded to Dallas and Robbie being together on Facebook and she is surprisingly quite mellow about the whole thing:

I really wish everyone would just stop with the Dallas and Robbie shit hey me and him didn’t work out so if him and Dallas can I’m happy for them honestly it doesn’t bother me at all maybe he will be in his sons life more and his son can know his father like he should that’s the way I look at it..

If you’re up for it, you can keep up with all the off-screen Gypsy Sisters drama on a daily basis over at the Gypsy-Gossip 2 Facebook page.

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