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EPIC Gypsy Sisters throwback wedding photo with Nettie, Mellie, Kayla, JoAnn and more

I didn’t think there could possibly be a more amazing Gypsy Sisters throwback photo than that of Mellie, Nettie and JoAnn’s mom Lottie Mae Stanley power lounging in a sea of brown leather and wood paneling, but courtesy of JoAnn “The Gypsy Princess” we now have this EPIC throwback wedding photo that, despite its lack of bling, is the Sondra Celli dress of Gypsy Sisters throwback pics!

Gypsy Sisters Stanley family tree Nettie Mellie Kayla Laura
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Gypsy Sisters Stanley family tree with Nettie, Mellie, Kayla

Gypsy Sisters stars Nettie Stanley, Mellie Stanley, Kayla Williams, and Laura Johnston have come to be known as “The Stanley Sisters,” and they even had a one-hour special by that title on TLC after their initial appearance on My Big Fat America Gypsy Wedding. But, despite what their nickname might imply, these four gals are not sisters at all — something that has caused a little bit of confusion for those tuning in to Gypsy Sisters in its inaugural season. So, I’ve gone through the trouble of putting together the Gypsy Sisters Stanley family tree that explains just how the four main characters are related!

Mellie Stanley's mom Lottie Mae Stanley
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PHOTOS Gypsy Sisters’ Lottie Mae Stanley as a young woman

On the premiere season of TLC’s drama-packed reality series Gypsy Sisters the family hierarchy gets turned on its ear when Mellie and sister Nettie’s mom Lottie Mae Stanley is released from prison after serving nine years for a 2004 bank fraud conviction. Mellie seems to make the adjustment as well as Mellie makes any sort of adjustment, but matriarch Nettie seems to have a hard time adjusting back to the way things were more than a decade ago. And speaking of the ways things were more than a decade ago, keep reading to check out photos of a young Lottie Mae, including one with Nettie as a young child!

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GYPSY SISTERS Mellie Stanley’s past marriages and childhood timeline

Though reality television is chock full of eyebrow raising shenanigans, few can compare to the jaw-dropping and headline-grabbing antics of Gypsy Sisters star Mellie Stanley. She drinks, she strips, she fights, and she ALWAYS says exactly what’s on her mind. Even among her outspoken Gypsy Sisters cast mates Mellie stands apart with her unpredictability and volatility. So what was it that caused her to be the way she is? A huge part is her amazingly unstable life that has included watching her mother get arrested when Mellie was just 13, followed by hopping around between relatives and foster care before ending up in two different abusive marriages as a teenager.

Lottie Stanley mug shot photo from Arkansas 2012
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GYPSY SISTERS Mellie’s mom Lottie Mae Stanley mug shots and criminal history

Viewers of TLC’s new reality series Gypsy Sisters might be surprised to find out that “Hellie Mellie” Stanley isn’t the most notorious of the Stanley ladies — not by a long shot. This season she reunites with her mother, 61-year-old Lottie Mae Stanley, who has just completed a nine-year prison sentence after being convicted of bank fraud in 2004. The conviction came after a string of cons spread out over at least 11 states that had federal authorities looking for Lottie for more than six years, and even landed her a starring role on America’s Most Wanted in March of 2003! Keep reading for Lottie’s extensive criminal history that apparently included using Mellie (then 13) to scam banks for more than $800,000!