
GOLD RUSH Leese says Rick Ness addicted to cocaine and prostitutes, couple splits again

Gold Rush's Rick Ness and Leese Arie break up again again

Gold Rush miner Rick Ness and fiancée Leese Arie are back on the outs after Rick reportedly got caught multiple times mining glory h*les somewhere other than his own claim.

Leese broke the break up news on Instagram on Thursday. She posted a text graphic with the following message:

A mistake is something that happens accidentally. Cheating and lying are not accidents, they are choices.

“I need to get this off of my chest,” Leese began her caption for the image. “I once again have stayed silent to protect someone that I truly love.”

Leese then shared specific details, including information on the timing of Rick’s latest alleged misdeeds.

“I will never understand how someone can propose to you and not even 48 hours later cheat yet again with another prostitute,” Leese continued. “Since getting back with Rick after his return from this season he has cheated at least 6 times that I know of.”

Rick attempted to bandage things by once again dangling the prospect of marriage like a carrot. “After getting caught he proposed again and promised to change,” Leese revealed.

The engagement ploy seemed to work, but everything came crashing down on Thursday

“Obviously, after 3 years of constant cheating and lying I never learned,” Leese wrote, “but after finding out that he did it again today I can officially say that I have learned my lesson.”

Leese continued by revealing that Rick has something else other than prostitutes that he can’t seem to quit. “I will never be able to win over his addiction of cocaine and prostitutes. Today is the day that I stand up for myself and finally stop hiding this man.”

The caption concluded with an emotional question from Leese. “God, please tell me what I did to deserve this?? 😭

Rick Ness and Leese reunited in December

News of the couple’s latest split comes just a few months after Rick and Leese revealed they were back together in December of last year.

Rick shared a Facebook post on January 23 that suggested he was moving from Wisconsin to Arizona to be with Leese permanently during the mining off season:

It’s unclear what Rick’s plans are at this point. His house in Wisconsin has not been listed for sale, so I assume he has the option to return to it.

Leese and Rick Ness’s break ups and reconciliations have played out very publicly on social media. Leese has brought up Rick’s alleged infidelity multiple times, including a claim that Rick cheated on her more than 200 times.

Meanwhile, Rick has issued multiple statements confirming that he was responsible for their break ups. Here’s an excerpt from Rick’s Facebook post shared in November of last year:

“One thing that I was clear about, however was the fact that I was responsible for everything that happened, I was making the decisions, both right and wrong and I was at fault for all of the chaos in my life. That is a fact, so I’m not sure why people aren’t grasping that and are still trying to blame Leese. Is it not possible that I, as a full grown adult, am solely responsible for my actions?

“When I stopped to see her on the way home at the end of the season, I could tell that these accusations were really affecting her in a negative way and that hurt me to see because it’s just not right.

“The chain of events in my life leading up to everything was already in place before we even met and she was unfairly swept up into it all. Becoming the person everyone blamed for it is just unbearably cruel, in truth, because she was the person who was there every day, for all of the very worst of it, having to watch me make mistake after mistake while doing the only thing she could do which was try and be there for me, to at least make sure I was taken care of, always trying to help get me back on track, trying to get me to see the damage I was causing all around me and always trying to get me to realize that life is too short to be able to continue on like I was without catastrophic consequences. Trying to love a very lost person and getting nothing but abuse for her efforts.

“Everything has not always been smooth sailing between us because of all of this but the bottom line is she has always been there for me and she’s very happy with all of the improvements I’ve made. I appreciate all of the support I’ve received, it has been amazing but just remember, I hold myself accountable and I don’t need anyone or anything else but myself to blame as I continue to try and be a better person every day.”

Rick Ness and Leese relationship timeline

For those of you hoping to catch up on all the splits and reconciliations between Rick and Leese, below are some of our social media posts with links to articles about pretty much every one that either (or both) of them commented on publicly:

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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