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Financial details on O.C. Housewife Vicki Gunvalson’s divorce

Donn and Vicki Gunvalson on The Real Housewives of Orange County

Papers have surfaced from the divorce between Real Housewives of Orange County cast member Vicki Gunvalson and ex-husband Donn. The filings help provide a clearer perception in regards to the actual wealth of the long-standing Bravolebrity.

Via Radar, the docs being referencing were filed in October of last year. Here’s some number breakdowns:

♦ Neither party receives spousal support unless there’s a change of income. If that happens either party can request it.

♦ At the time of the separation, the Gunvalsons had a bank account balance of $161,887. After paying toward the mortgage at their 7 Shire residence that account was left with $53,933 which the couple agreed to split.

♦ Vicki kept the 7 Shire residence. The couple’s Cota de Caza home valued at $559,711 was sold via a short sale after their date of separation.

♦ Vicki was awarded $886,459 in assets including furniture, art and other possessions.

♦ Vicki kept a 2009 Mercedes SL550.

♦ Don was awarded $633,058 in assets, including their home in Irvine, a vacation home in Lake Havasu, jet skis, a 2003 Lincoln Navigator, a 2004 BMW 745i and a 401k plan which currently has $74,000.

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