Drew Garrett and Lauren Willey, the girls behind “Hot Problems” viral video

17-year-old girls Drew Garrett and Lauren Willey got the attention of the internet a la Rebecca Black with a horrible song, and it worked! “Hot Problems” (video below) is getting millions of views, and the momentum only picks up as the media continues to cover it.

But, teen girls post videos of themselves singing on YouTube all the time, and a great many of those videos are actually better than “Hot Problems” so how did this become so big?

The girls are working with a production company, which is similar to what happened with Rebecca Black, but different in that they are obviously trying to make a bad song, with Rebecca Black the ironic badness was all kind of a perfect accident.

The cagey duo told MTV: “We’re working with a production company, but it’s more of a behind-the-scenes thing,” Lauren explained. “We don’t like to talk about it that much.” The video was uploaded to YouTube by Old Bailey Productions with this disclaimer: “Old Bailey Productions did not create any of the audio or lyrics for this video. We produced the video as a favor.”

The pair also appeared on GMA this morning, obviously totally aware and amused with their situation. Their feelings aren’t hurt because the song’s bad and they can’t sing. They meant for this to happen.

Drew said: “We knew that we couldn’t actually sing, so we decided to go for a more ‘talking’ singing.”

Lauren said they made the video because “We wanted something funny to show our friends.” When asked if they thought they were hot, Lauren replied “No, we don’t think we’re that hot, no.”

They ended the interview with a tongue-in-cheek takeaway: they want everyone to know that their video is funny, and that “everybody has problems.”

Sample lyrics from “Hot Problems”

Please don’t get me wrong
I know that I’m hot
Textbook perfection really takes a lot
Weird guys call my phones
And girls call me names
Like Miley said “I can’t be tamed”

Hot girls we have problems too
We’re just like you, except we’re hot
The world needs to open their eyes
And realize
We’re not perfect
And sometimes we lie”

This may be a hot mess, but it’s also a hot item. Having their song called the “worst song ever made” by tons of critics is probably the best thing that could have ever happened to Double Take. Winning?

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