Category: Dateline

DATELINE Evil Paid a Visit – Donna Palomba’s terrifying home invasion sexual assault wasn’t taken seriously for over a decade

For a while, Donna Palomba stayed anonymous regarding her September 11, 1993, sexual assault in her own home by a masked assailant. She had gone to the police as a “Jane Doe,” but they weren’t exactly on her side and all the people in her community thought she was lying about the horrible attack in order to cover up an affair. Eventually, Donna got justice for her terrifying assault and came out of hiding, but it took years of vigilance.

DATELINE Where is Sandy Murphy now?

Las Vegas casino heir Ted Binion (of Binion’s Horseshoe, now known as Binion’s Gambling Hall,) was found dead in 1998, but the mystery surrounding his death still hasn’t been solved. He left behind millions buried in the Nevada desert, and rumors are that there is much more treasure to be found. Was his death suicide? Murder? His girlfriend Sandy Murphy was convicted of murdering him in 2000, but she was released four years later. Sandy is speaking now to Dateline in an episode airing tonight titled “What Happened in Vegas.” Does she have the answers everyone is looking for?

DATELINE ‘The Outlook’ The tragic attack of girlfriends Mollie Olgin and Kristene Chapa

Girlfriends Mollie Olgin and Kristene Chapa were found brutally injured on June 23, 2012 at Violet Andrews Park in Corpus Christi, TX. The girls had had plans at the park that night, and one of their friends, Brittany Selby, was supposed to join them. That decision to not spend time at the park that night saved her life. Because Kristene and Mollie had been dating, the community wondered if it had been a hate crime.

DATELINE ‘The Doomsday Files’ Chad Daybell thought he was a prophet and Lori Vallow was a goddess

Chad Daybell was a former gravedigger who found a new life in writing apocalyptic novels based around LDS (Mormon) theology. He even started his own publishing company. As his writing grew more popular, Chad claims that the content of his books had come from prophetic visions. Once he met Lori, he considered her to be a goddess on a special mission on Earth. The couple threw themselves into their grandiose delusions on a dangerous path to murder and mayhem.

DATELINE ‘Horror at the Lake’ The axe murder of Denise Hallowell

On July 13, 2019, 57-year-old teacher Denise Hallowell was found dead with an axe in her head by her adopted son Carlos Hallowell. When 17-year-old Carlos called the police he told them that he and his mother had attended a funeral that day, and returned home between 2 and 3 p.m. and that he had discovered her body after their barking dogs woke him up from a nap.