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Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels sued for Calorie Control magic pills

The self-proclaimed greatest weight loss trainer in the universe Jillian Michaels has been named in a class action suit that alleges her weight loss supplement Jillian Michaels Maximum Strength Calorie Control uses false advertising when it claims “Two Capsules Before Main Meals And You Lose Weight… That’s It!” The Biggest Loser trainer has always been very vocal about hard work being necessary in any weight loss plan, so it comes as sort of a surprise that she would put her name on an “easy solution” dietary product.

Read the plaintiff’s claims and other details from the suit!

Now Americans can assault their livers with fat AND alcohol 24/7 at Burger King with South Beach’s Whopper Bar!

Although beer and burgers are an American pairing fit for the most steadfast patriot, the very first Whopper Bar was actually opened in the U.K. It did so well there that Burger King, (Who has their own cologne, btw) is looking to expand to Miami’s party-loving South Beach. Die-hard partiers who who just can’t stop…

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PHOTO – Heidi Montag’s new DDD boobs: before and after latest plastic surgeries

Above is the breakdown of before and after Heidi Montag’s new surgical procedures including a chin reduction, brow lift, neck liposuction, and enormous DDD boobs (read the full list here). Heidi started her adult life as a small A cup, and now her breasts are practically half her frame. And her face, it’s a little…

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Heidi Montag’s list of 10 plastic surgery procedures in one day include neck liposuction, brow lift, and botox, at age 23

CLICK HERE to see Heidi before and after her latest surgeries. There’s a good reason we haven’t seen a lot of Heidi Montag lately, which is especially odd around the Holidays, but it’s not because she’s finally tired of the spotlight. No, she had a secret appointment with her plastic surgeon November 20 for a…

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Nicole Kidman powder makeup malfunction for New York ‘Nine’ premiere

Nicole Kidman showed up at the New York Nine career looking like a coke-addicted baker. Her nose is quite powdery, and she’s got a bold white streak under her left eye, here’s a link to a photo with lighting that really shows off the extent of powder damage. Heads are going to role. I put…

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Kim Kardashian bikini photo – Did she diet her curves away? NOOOOOO!!!!

I’ve been very open about my Kim Kardashian curve lurve in previous posts, so needless to say I was quite distressed when I saw the most recent image the formerly curvaceous vixen uploaded to Twitpic with the accompanying caption: “Quick Trim photo shoot today in Miami! I finally feel I’ve reached my goal!”


PHOTOS VIDEO Paris Hilton Launches beauty products “The Celebrity Styler” and “The Ultimate Brush”

Paris Hilton was at the Thompson Hotel in Beverly Hills Tuesday for the launch of her new hair styling tools “The Celebrity Styler” and “The Ultimate Brush.” So for all you parents and boyfriends out there with daughters and girlfriends that haven’t quite reached their ho-tential, your Christmas shopping is done!


VIDEOS What do Daniel Wright and Shay Sorrells from The Biggest Loser look like now?

Last night on The Biggest Loser two contestants were eliminated instead of just one. The night was dramatic and historical – dramatic because Shay Sorrells was the first to weigh in and lost 17 pounds! 17 POUNDS! And that wasn’t good enough to stay out of the bottom three! (Because of the double elimination the…


VIDEO – Kris Carr is a Crazy, Sexy Cancer Survivor

Model-actress-photographer-filmmaker Kris Carr got diagnosed with stage IV cancer in 2003, when she was 31-years-old. Six years later, Kris is still ferociously alive, and still living with cancer. Carr’s tumors aren’t gone, but they aren’t growing, either. She’s never had any sort of conventional cancer treatment like chemotherapy, but instead chose on her own path…

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Garry Shandling plastic surgery before and after photos

Garry Shandling appeared on David Letterman Monday, Otober 12, 2009, and looked a little worked on. It turns out this isn’t a new development, but because we haven’t seen much of Shandling the past few years, it was a shocker. Here’s Gary talking about swine flu tonight on Letterman (or, as I affectionately call him…

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PHOTOS Elizabeth Hurley Makes Organic Bacon!

Here are some pictures of Elizabeth Hurley at the Cirencester farmer’s market on September 12, 2009. In case you didn’t know, Liz Hurley now owns and runs her own farm in Gloucestershire, where she raises pork (A.K.A. BACON!) From ElizabethHurley.com: I bought a 400 acre farm, deep in the Gloucestershire countryside, some five years ago….


PHOTOS Jocelyn Wildenstein – before and after $4,000,000 of plastic surgery

Jocelyn Wildenstein, a wealthy socialite and ex-wife of billionaire art-dealer heir Alec Wildenstein, has reportedly spent over $4 million on plastic surgery in an attempt to look more like the exotic wild cats she admires. Because of this hobby, Jocelyn has been often nicknamed “Cat Woman” in the press. As part of her 1999 divorce…

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Former “Half-Ton Man” Patrick Deuel is almost immobile again

Patrick Deuel, known as the “Half-Ton Man” who lost more than half his weight after a life-saving gastric by-pass surgery in 2005, is almost immobile again. He cites depression from being away from his wife as the main cause of his recent weight gain. Gastric Bypass Patrick Deuel, 47, has struggled with weight issues all…

Bruce Jenner’s plastic surgery: Before and After photos
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Bruce Jenner’s plastic surgery: Before and After photos

Bruce Jenner, gold medal winner of the 1976 Summer Olympics decathlon, recently got more plastic surgery to correct some less-than-stellar surgery from 25 years ago, and honestly the results don’t look much different. Jenner, 58, is now best known for being the stepdad of Kim Kardashian and her siblings on “Keeping up with the Kardashians,” and…