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Breaking Amish LA’s Betsy Yoder gives birth 12 weeks premature, ‘Mom and baby are doing Great’

Breaking Amish LA's Elizabeth Betsy Yoder daughter Jolena

Back in AprilBreaking Amish: LA star Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Yoder and husband Allen Yoder announced they were expecting their first child together. Betsy’s due date wasn’t until October, but, last week, she was hospitalized with a UTI–and, while receiving antibiotics via IV, she began to experience contractions and heavy bleeding.

The complications led to last night’s emergency C-section, and the premature birth of their daughter. Jolena Iva Elizabeth Yoder. Little Jolena (photo above) tips the scales at just 1 pound, 14 ounces, and measures only 12.5 inches.

Once it became clear that Betsy would not be leaving the hospital until the baby arrived, a friend set up a Go Fund Me page for prayers and donations. Because Jolena came so early, Betsy and Allen were unprepared in many ways, and can use any support — be it financial, prayers, or well wishes. Here’s the description from the page:

Elizabeth and Allen Yoder are expecting their first baby . She was originally due this fall. Unfortunately , Elizabeth wasn’t feeling well , Allen took her to the hospital , she was then rushed to a hospital that could handle premature deliveries and possibly try to slow down Elizabeth’s contractions . As of today , her contractions are getting stronger . She will not return home until after the baby is born . It is a several hour drive round trip for Allen to go back and forth . Elizabeth does not have anything ready for baby Jolena , the food , the gas , and the things they will need for an unexpected early arrival . They need our help right now , as they have a long road ahead of them . Any little amount you can pay forward will help more than you know . It will take a financial burden off of them as they were not prepared for an early delivery . If you can not donate financially , please pray for them . Please share this site , they need all the help they can get . Thank you

There is also a Prayer Chain For Baby Jolena and Family Facebook page set up to keep people updated on how Betsy and Jolena are doing. Between that page, Betsy’s Facebook page, and Allen’s, I’ve put together a timeline of updates from the time Betsy was hospitalized until earlier today:


Breaking Amish LA Elizabeth Betsy Yoder and husband Allen Yoder Facebook

BETSY YODER July 6 at 4:46pm · [Along with the photo above] This Guy is just Fantastic. He has to work and be there for me and he does that and even more. He’s been up since 1:30 AM and still hasn’t had a break. He brought me to hospital and went back to work. I love you Allen Yoder yoy are the Best.

BETSY YODER July 6 at 9:57pm · Hopefully I get to go home tomorrow. I’m already bored laying here in this hospital bed

BETSY YODER July 9 at 3:30am · So I’ve been in the hospital since Monday afternoon. Praying contractions stop and bleeding stops so baby can stay in awhile longer yet.

BETSY YODER July 9 at 6:59pm · So my life will consist of living in the Hospital until baby is born. It could be in the next couple hrs, day, or even Months. Very unpredictable so we are trying to get ourselves prepared for the outcome of all the craziness that could go on.
As of now I’m stable.

ALLEN YODER July 9 at 9:03pm · On Monday Elizabeth went to the hospital for 24-48 hr antibiotics via iv for her UTI. We thought we would get to go home by Tuesday night but that all changed when she started Contracting and she started Bleeding heavily. They got her in stable condition and rushed us to Another Hospital where they are prepared for these situations. Since we are here at this hospital she’s had a rough start.

With iv, magnesium, antibiotics and all the other medications she’s been on she’s been sick and resting.

Today we found out that we will be here until our Baby Girl arrives. It could be any hour, day or month from now. Very Unpredictable. Please just Keep us in your Prayers as we have a lot of stuff in front of us we’ve Never been through Before.

Elizabeths Favorite Bible Verse is… Philippians 4:13 KJV

ALLEN YODER July 10 at 10:27am · Elizabeth Had A Great Night. She slept from 12-5:30 AM then 6-10:15 AM. It’s the Best night she’s had since we are here. Thank You all so much for your Support and Prayers. They mean more to us then we could ever get to show you all.

BETSY YODER July 11 at 6:06am · Good Morning! I had a rough night with lots of intense Contractions and some Bleeding. I’m about to eat some Breakfast and take a Shower and hopefully I get to rest more today again. Me and Baby Jolena are Stable as of now but it could change any minute. Thank you for All Your Support and Prayers! -Elizabeth-

BETSY YODER July 11 at 7:18am · God Is so Good to Us. Tomorrow I’m 27 weeks and baby is still hanging in there. We are so happy for every hr she gets to stay and grow.

ALLEN YODER July 12 approx. 2 AM · Update: thanks for all the prayers ! At 7:30 the contractions started up again and babies heart rate went down a lil and was decided to do a emergency c section . Jolena Iva Elizabeth was born 8:34pm 1 lb 14 oz 12.5 in and had a good start from the beginning ! She is on oxygen to help her for the first 12 hours to see how she’s doin because she was a lil wore out:) She was transported to Akron children’s hospital where she’ll stay until she’s ready to go home 🙂 . ( daddy) 🙂

BETSY YODER July 12 approx 7 AM ·
Jolena Iva Elizabeth Yoder
Born 8:34 pm July 11,
Weighed 1lb 14oz and was 12.5 inches long.
Mom and baby are doing Great.

Congratulations to Betsy and Allen! And we certainly send our well wishes to Betsy and Jolena–hopefully they’ll both be healthy and home very soon!

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