Teen Mom 3’s Joey Maes welcomes 3rd child with 3rd mom

Teen Mom 3 Katie Yeager's ex Joey Maes girlfriends

In “Teen Mom 3: Where Are They Now? news,” Katie Yeager’s ex Joey Maes is reportedly a father again. For the third time. With three different women!

Teen Mom Junkies was the first to break the story, revealing that Joey Appleseed welcomed a daughter on May 10. But, we’ll get to that in a minute. First, let’s play a little catch up.

Back in early 2014, long after splitting from Katie, Joey was dating a young woman named Kerrie (or Karrie) and reportedly got her pregnant. Although the couple intended on keeping the pregnancy hush-hush, Joey’s mom Cari couldn’t help letting the cat out of the bag with a tweet of a screen cap of her own Facebook post:

She then confirmed the news:

Here’s a photo of Joey and Kerrie before welcoming the child:

Joey Maes ex-girlfriend Karrie or Kerrie

According to Teen Mom Junkies, Kerrie later gave birth, but Joey was long gone by then. The site spoke with a source who told them: “The baby is doing well, and knows nothing of Joey or his family. It’s best that way and creates [fewer] issues for the child. He has a strong male role model without Joey in the picture.”

In less than six months, Joey entered a relationship with Marissa Cintron from San Diego. (According to her Facebook timeline, they became official on July 29, 2014.) Here is a photo montage of the two of them Marissa shared on Instagram in September:

Joey Maes girlfriend Marissa Cintron photos

I’m not sure when the pair found out Marissa was pregnant, but apparently Joey’s ex Katie found out in December – and wasn’t exactly ecstatic to find out that Molli had another half-sibling on the way:

Marissa’s due date was toward the end of May, and she uploaded this photo with smokin’ Joey and her big baby bump in early May:

Joey Maes pregnant girlfriend Marissa Cintron

On May 10, 2015 Marissa gave birth to Khloe Madisyn Maes. Here’s a photo of mom and pop with Khloe:

Teen Mom 3 dad Joey Maes Marissa Cintron daughter Khloe

Well – we kinda-sorta know what Joey has been up to, so what about Katie? It might surprise you to know that she is currently working on creating a child too! I’ll let her explain:

Responsible, smart, and kind-hearted? Yep, that’s the same ol’ Katie!

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