Bobbi Kristina’s family to take her off of life support
It appears that the unfortunate saga of Bobbi Kristina is about to come to an end. Members of the Brown and Houston families are gathering in Atlanta in order to remove the 22-year-old from life support. Bobbi Kristina has been in the hospital for nearly four months, since being found unconscious in her bathtub on January 31st.
Her family spent the weekend by BK’s bedside, saying their goodbyes and praying that she’ll soon be with mother Whitney Houston. It’s something of an about-face for both the Browns and the Houstons. The two sides of the family hve feuded publicly in recent weeks over what, exactly, to do. Until recently, the plan seemed to be to move Bobbi Kristina back home and let her pass there, surrounded by photos of her mother. Father Bobby Brown never appeared to be fully on board with this idea; speculation was rampant that he wanted to keep BK alive as long as possible, in order to fight the Houston family’s legal claim to Bobbi’s $20 million inheritance from her mother.
Family feuding grew uglier as the days passed, with Jerod Brown claiming BK’s grandmother Cissy Houston had given up hope for Bobbi and wanted her to die. And matters grew more complicated when an Atlanta judge ruled that Bobby and Cissy had to share guardianship of Bobbi Kristina, meaning that neither family could make a unilateral decision regarding whether to keep Bobbi Kristina on life support, or to remove her from it.
It seems more details regarding a joint family decision will be forthcoming, as multiple reports from independent doctors state that, once removed from life support, Bobbi Kristina is not expected to live long.
UPDATE 12:49 PM: Bobbi’s cousin Jerod Brown has shared the following message on Facebook:
Last thing she told me was “Get Ready Cousin”! Get ready for a beautiful future we was working toward. Something in my spirit is confirming my lil cousin is in position for a blessing. To EVERYONE who is in need of a change, know this is YOUR MOMENT! ITS NOT OVER BOBBI KRIS, ITS ALMOST TIME TO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY!
It’s not clear if Jerod is referring to a bedside goodbye–which seems unlikely, given that Bobbi Kristina is probably not able to speak–or to an earlier, pre-bathtub encounter. But it’s also worth pointing out that Jerod has been perhaps the most optimistic member of the entire Brown-Houston family, with regard to a recovery.
(Photo credits: WENN)