
Ben Flajnik will be The Bachelor next season

The Bachelor Ben Flajnik Season 16

It appears that Jennifer Love Hewitt is going to have to submit her application to ABC if she wants to continue dating the tall hunk of winery finery that is Ben Flajnik because the 29-year-old runner-up from Ashley Hebert’s season of The Bachelorette is going to be The Bachelor next season!

CLICK HERE for our profile of Ben including bio info, details on his Evolve winery, and lots of photos!

The Bachelor Ben Flajnik before he was famous drinking and partying with friendsThere hasn’t been an official announcement made yet, but Big Ben has reportedly been spreading the word to his friends and has even put in for some time off from work in September. Then, on Monday, Ben was spotted in San Francisco shooting with a film crew and all indications are that the shoot was for the promotional video package for next season.

The man with the greatest Scrabble name in the history of the show will suit up as The Bachelor and begin filming at the mansion next month.

Personally, I think Ben Flajnik is a lot more appealing (ie less dumb) than either Brad Womack or Jake Pavelka, so it will definitely alter how I watch the show! Usually I find myself fond of one of the bachelorettes in particular and wind up hoping, for their sake, that they don’t win the final rose! And don’t think for a second that it’s jealousy! Any girl that I admire I would want to find true love and happiness – not Brad Womack 🙂

So what do you think? Are you excited to see Ben Flajnik as the next Bachelor?

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