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90 Day Fiancé Veronica Rodriguez DWI mug shot, Tim’s big secret, and more!

Before the 90 Days Tim's ex Veronica mug shot for 2016 arrest

Before the 90 Days star Tim Malcolm and his ex-fiancée Veronica broke up years ago, but she still has a great deal of influence on his life. As Tim jets off to Colombia in hopes of proposing to his online girlfriend Jeniffer, Veronica remains skeptical — and downright judgmental — about Tim’s “model” girlfriend, and she seems to be doing all that she can to sabotage the relationship.

However, Veronica may have to shift gears from being on the offensive to going on the defensive if Jeniffer finds out that she was arrested in 2016!

Veronica Rodriguez DUI arrest

Veronica was picked up for Driving While Impaired on May 20. According to online records, she was booked just after 1:00AM in Rowan County, North Carolina.

To Veronica’s credit, she does look AMAZING in her mug shot photo!

90 Day Fiance Before the 90 Days Tim Malcolm's ex Veronica arrest

I did some searching through online court records, but I could find no information about Veronica’s arrest. I’m hopeful that means the case was dismissed.

UPDATE – Veronica replied to a comment on our Instagram post and seemed to reveal that she did manage to get out of the charge:

COMMENT: Who the hell smiles in their DUI. You put other people’s lives in danger because you were too stuck up to get a cab!

VERONICA: Someone who wasn’t actually DUI????

UPDATE – I spoke with a court clerk on July 1, 2024 who confirmed Veronica was found guilty of Level 4 DWI. (Level 1 is the most severe, Level 5 is the least severe.) She was given a 120-day suspended sentence and 12 months of probation, in addition to fines and court costs.

90 Day Fiancé Veronica’s battery arrest details from 2006 EXCLUSIVE

Tim Malcolm’s big secret

Meanwhile, TLC is teasing a “big secret” that Tim is keeping from Jeniffer, and fans are having some fun with their speculation about what Tim’s secret might be. Tim has been great about embracing the attention he is getting from being on the show (positive and negative), and he shared a post encouraging fans to offer up their best guess as to what he’s been keeping from Jeniffer.

“What is my big secret?” Tim asked in an Instagram post on August 18. “The most creative answer in comments will get a personal video shoutout by me!”

We couldn’t resist playing along, and we offered up the following guess:

You like dating Colombians because that’s the country with the most vibrant market for elaborately decorated gold-plated guns, which you sneak into the country by hiding in large stuffed teddy bears. Oh, and your favorite hobby is crank calling people pretending to be Shepard Smith doing a live Fox News broadcast.

Tim’s reply quickly debunked our teddy bear gun smuggling theory:

Hahaha I don’t have an import or export license so I only do business in the United States. I saw someone post that they “researched” me extensively and found out I was doing all my gun business in Dubai ??. Hahaha I’ve never even been to the Middle East. I really think people just sit around and brain storm this sh*t.

You will notice that he did not debunk our Shepard Smith crank calls theory. I’m just sayin’.

All joking aside, I think the best serious guess about Tim’s big secret is that he made a trip to Honduras late last year to meet up with another attractive young woman. Tim posted numerous photos from his trip back in September, as well as a couple of videos featuring his Honduran hawtie. (His account is private, so I cannot embed them here.)

It looks like Tim made his trip to visit Jeniffer in Colombia in March, which would mean that his Honduran booty call was only six months prior. I can imagine Jeniffer being upset about that timeline — especially if Tim hasn’t mentioned it at all.

Tim is the first to admit that he probably does not come off well when people first meet him or see him on the show. “I think a lot of people when they first see me think this guy’s probably an arrogant prick,” he revealed in his intro on the Premiere, “but it’s kind of a defense mechanism because I have ugly duck syndrome actually.” Tim admits he’s kind of over-compensating for being a bit of a nerd growing up.

I was greatly impressed by the fact that Tim chooses to remain a father figure to Veronica’s 12-year-old daughter Chloe despite the fact that he is not her biological dad — and despite the fact that her and Veronica’s relationship is apparently tumultuous at times.

Tim further won me over with a recent video he shared in partnership with @90DayFianceNews in which he pays a visit to a young girl who was the victim of bullying at school, In addition to bringing her numerous gifts and words of encouragement, Tim’s Before the 90 Days co-stars Darcey and Avery offer support with phone calls!

To find out what Tim’s big secret actually is, and find out if he found his happily ever after with Jeniffer, be sure to tune in to new episodes of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airing Sunday nights at 8/7c on TLC!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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