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Bobby Brown consumed by guilt over Bobbi Kristina’s death, heartbroken he didn’t “save” her

Bobbi Kristina hugs dad Bobby Brown

Bobbi Kristina was found facedown in her bathtub at home on January 31st. She languished in a coma for nearly six months before succumbing to her injuries on July 26th. She was laid to rest this past Monday, in a quiet graveside ceremony, and shares the same plot as her mother, Whitney Houston.

But Bobby Brown, according to a new report, is “wracked” and consumed by guilt, and believes he could and should have done more to “save” his daughter–including forcing her into a substance abuse program at an earlier age.

The Daily Mail‘s report cites numerous family friends and sources close to the ongoing drama, one of whom said “Bobby has so much guilt that it is eating him up every day. He told me he should have insisted Krissy get help for her drug addiction and he should have forced Nick Gordon to move out of her townhouse and leave her alone—legally, if necessary.”

Gordon has been largely silent on the matter of Bobbi Kristina since her death. He celebrated her life in a private ceremony, attended only by himself and a few family members, after the Brown and Houston families barred him from attending Bobbi Kristina’s actual funeral. In the weeks leading up to Bobbi Kristina’s death, Gordon was served with papers in a $10 million civil lawsuit filed on behalf of Bobbi Kristina’s estate. The suit alleges, among other things, that Gordon was a domestic abuser who manipulated Bobbi Kristina emotionally and physically, who stole money from her, and who beat her before leaving her in the bathtub where she was later found.

Of the overall matter, the Brown family friend continued: “Bobby says he was her father no matter what age she was and he should have fought her or anyone else who stopped her from saving her from herself. Bobby told me ‘I should have gone to court to get a judge to make Bobbi Kristina go to rehab and then become her guardian—like Britney Spears’ father did to save her.'”


(Photo credits: Bobby Brown, Bobbi Kristina via Twitter, Instagram)


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