
TEEN MOM Angie Douthit wishes daughter Mackenzie McKee happy 24th birthday: ‘I’m so thankful for my hot mess’

Mackenzie McKee and mom Angie Douthit

Wednesday was the 24th birthday of Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee, and her mom Angie Douthit couldn’t resist sharing her reflections on 24 years with “my hot mess” as the mother/daughter duo joined Mackenzie’s sisters to celebrate what Mackenzie later called “literally the best birthday I have ever had.”

As Angie has been doing for nearly a year now, ever since she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the beginning of the year, she shared a Bible quote before offering up her latest Facebook diary entry. Here is the quote and her post in its entirety, because editing out any of it would change the meaning completely:

Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MACKENZIE! 24 looks good on you! Yes, my baby is 24. Mackenzie and I both wish we could say it’s been an easy 24 years. But she will tell you that she was proudly my biggest challenge in life. You take ADHD, type 1 diabetes, anxiety, ODD, hormonal issues, and put them all together in one tiny body and you’ve got one hot mess.

But I’m so thankful for my hot mess. She changed me in a mighty way. I learned to be patient and to pick and choose my battles. I learned to truly love unconditionally. I learned to pray, pray, pray. I learned that not everything is the parents’ fault. I also realized how incredibly talented and determined she was. Her stubbornness paid off and she is very successful today. Inside her was many abilities that have shown forth through the years.

We are very close. She calls me for advice everyday and we have a lot of things in common. She taught me a lot about God. God always loves us, no matter how rude we r or if we just blamed him for everything. His love never waivers. God always forgives and moves on. He doesn’t dwell on the past. God looks at our gifts and talents inside all of us and no matter how undisciplined we seem on the outside, he sees a future butterfly about to sprout wings and fly. God always points us to the positive instead of the negative.

Yes, I’m a much better mother and teacher because of my stubborn, yet very fun, and talented Mickie. Today I’m very thankful for 24 years with my baby girl. I love you Mic!

I asked her what she wanted for her bday. She said, “I just want a day with my mom and my sisters.” So we r all going to be together today. What an incredible blessing.

Today, think about your biggest challenge. Let God show you how he is working through it and how he is changing you for the better. Then, go share your story and help someone else going through the same battle. Those challenges often turn into the greatest blessings!

Love you Mackenzie, you are a true blessing! #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer

Mackenzie tells a nearly identical story as far as her 24th birthday wish and its fulfillment with an Instagram photo gallery and caption:

Last week my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told her “I simply want a day with you and my sisters”

Even though I drove them crazy growing up, they ended up my very best friends in life. It all fell together perfectly that we all had baby sitters, the weather was perfect, and no one had to work.
Yesterday was a birthday I will NEVER forget. There wasn’t a moment when we were NOT laughing. And this year really taught us all to enjoy the moment and be thankful. I am so thankful for these 3 in my life. My forever best friends, my rocks ?

Angie returned to Facebook after her birthday outing with Mackenzie and shared another reflection — this time centered on her other daughter Kaylee, but still keeping with the theme of Mackenzie often making things a bit more complicated:

Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Girls day out! We had so much fun yesterday for Mic’s birthday. We walked around the mall, shopped in some favorite stores, ate at Chili’s, got some frozen yogurt, and laughed until our sides hurt. We all commented on what a peaceful, fun day it was. A day we will never forget.

I was reflecting on what made the day so perfect and I remembered Kaylee’s sweet 16 bday. I took the kids and a few friends to Applebee’s to celebrate. But, Mic was acting strange, she couldn’t quench her thirst and kept going to the bathroom. This went on all day so when we got home, since her dad is type 1 diabetic, I knew the signs and I checked her blood sugar.

The monitor just read “high”. I went outside to cry and gather myself. I called a dr friend and they told me to get her to the ER quickly. I called a friend crying. She said, “You can do this.” I replied, “I know I can do this, but I don’t want to do this.” I took a deep breath, prayed, and headed to the ER. I looked back as I was walking out of the house, there stood Kaylee, on her 16th bday, looking scared and sad.

I didn’t realize until a year later how big of an impact that day had on her. She wrote a paper for English with the title, “My Bittersweet 16th Birthday”. She told her story of that day and shared her emotions of how she felt. It was a very heartfelt paper.

So, this is why this birthday together, was so special. No diagnosis of illness, no sadness, just peace and joy. It’s crazy how certain things in life are so life changing that we never forget them. I’ll never forget the day I heard, “You have cancer.” It changed my life forever. But it showed me how to enjoy the small things in life. How about you? What days will you never forget? Look back on them, marvel at how God helped you through it, and rejoice in how much stronger you r now. Look how far you’ve come!!! You r not a victim, you r a victor! Now enjoy today. Help others. Share your story. Be very kind. You r a nice person! #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MACKENZIE! Oh, and if you want to read more from Angie, you can check out her Facebook page or you can pre-order her book, God’s Plan.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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