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AMC renews “Better Call Saul” for a second season, pushes debut back to 2015

Bob Odenkirk lives life to the fullest, regardless of the decisions AMC makes.
Bob Odenkirk lives life to the fullest, regardless of the decisions AMC makes.


AMC has renewed Breaking Bad spinoff Better Call Saul for a second season–before the first season has aired even a single episode.

The show, featuring Bob Odenkirk as Breaking Bad‘s sheisty lawyer Saul Goodman, had been slated to debut in November of this year. Now, it will air in early 2015, according to the network press release, which gave no reason for the change in status.

AMC president Charlie Collier was effusive in his praise of the show-to-be and the pedigree that spawned it:

…We could not be more proud of nor more excited about the work to date. We join the fans in eager anticipation for this series….When introducing any series, especially one with the DNA of Breaking Bad, there are countless factors to consider in making sure the show gets the launch it deserves. We have a strong history with Vince, Peter, Bob, the studio and so many involved with this production; we are enjoying the process on Saul and all share a focus on making it a true television event. No half measures.

There is definitely some euphemistic language at work in Collier’s statement. “Countless factors to consider” and “launch it deserves” both sound like some kind of trouble, or unexpected delays, with the production. “Enjoying the process” makes everything sound cuddly and everyone involved like a nice, big, happy family.


Aaron Paul, seen here looking for clues as to AMC's announcement.
Aaron Paul, seen here looking for clues as to AMC’s announcement.


The most interesting part of the announcement is the complete lack of any reason for the delay. Though, with as many of the key Breaking Bad players involved with Better Call Saul, from Vince Gilligan on down, it’s difficult to imagine anything other than a quality product.

What do you think? Should we be worried about the delay? Happy about the new episodes? Both? Or something else entirely?

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