90 DAY FIANCE Where did Patrick Mendes move after selling his house near Austin? PHOTOS
As we previously reported, 90 Day Fiance star Patrick Mendes sold his house featured on the show back in December of 2021. The property was located in Dripping Springs, Texas, which is about 23 miles from downtown Austin. The list price at the time the property sold was $799,000.
Patrick selling his house leads to a couple of questions. Is Patrick Mendes still living near Austin? If not, where is he living now?
Multiple people finder websites list a Dallas, Texas address for Patrick that was first reported in December of 2021. Property records for the address indicate that it is a new home built late last year. The house was listed for $649,000 in October and the purchase was finalized in November to someone who isn’t Patrick Mendes.
A week after the property was purchased, it was listed as available to rent for $4,550 a month. The rental listing was removed on November 22, according to Zillow.
Patrick’s Dripping Springs house was pending sale in October and was finalized in December. So, the timing is certainly right. I’ve been struggling to find any evidence to confirm that Patrick is living at the Dallas address in question. However, I did eventually find some evidence thanks to Patrick… and his pooch!
Patrick recently started offering Cameo videos, and he recorded his intro video from inside his Tesla. Through the window behind him you can make out a portion of the house across the street. It is an identical match to the house across the street from the rental property, as is the location and appearance of the sewer drain.
Patrick’s dog Teddy has his own Instagram account, and earlier today the pooch (i.e. Thais, I assume) posted a photo of Patrick taking a nap on what looks to be a couch. You can see bar stools, a couple of windows, a partial wall room divider, a refrigerator, inset ceiling lights, a ceiling HVAC vent, and a distinct light fixture in the background.
All of the things in the background match up with interior photos of the rental property from when it was listed for sale. Well, there are a couple differences. The bar stools have been changed, and the original photo just has an empty space where the fridge goes. Here are side-by-side pictures:
Here is a photo of the front of the house:
The house is located in an older neighborhood that is fairly close to downtown Dallas. There were several empty lots in the area that were recently built on, including the rental property associated with Patrick. (The house across the street that can be seen from the Tesla footage was also built last year.)
According to the property listing, the house is 2,708 square feet. It has 4 bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms. It’s unclear if it has a bidet.
I’m assuming we will learn a little bit more about Patrick’s motivation to move during the current season of 90 Day Fiance. It’s not too difficult to make a couple of guesses.
1. Dripping Springs is a fairly small town that requires a bit of a drive to get to the more interesting things that Austin has to offer. Perhaps Thais wanted to actually be in a city?
2. Patrick wanted to cash out while the housing market is high, especially in and around Austin! The list price for Patrick’s home when it sold was $799,000. Patrick and his first wife purchased the property in April of 2018 when it was listed for $479,900. She later signed the house over to him in December of 2020.
Patrick reportedly made more than $60,000 in improvements (including a home security system of course), but it’s still easy to do the math and see the motivation for selling!
For those of you asking the BIG question: Are Patrick and Thais married? I still don’t have an answer for you. I’ve checked marriage records for all the counties around Austin and Dallas that are available online and haven’t found anything yet. I will keep looking!
UPDATE – We were right about where Patrick moved. Click here to see how his new Dallas rental house stacks up against his former Austin diggs!
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com