2013 Duck Dynasty Christmas Special photos: Willie, Korie and Sadie as Joseph, Mary and an angel

Pregnant Korie Robertson as Mary in the Duck Dynasty Christmas Special 2013 Nativity Scene

The charismatic Robertson family of Monroe, Louisiana wrapped up the fourth season of their hugely successful reality series Duck Dynasty back in October but those fans with a serious quack addiction need not worry because the show is returning December 11 for the hour-long Duck Dynasty Christmas Special!

As you would expect from this fun, Christ-loving family, the Robertsons go all out with their Yuletide celebration with everyone dressing up to participate in a stage production of the Nativity Scene. Up top we have Korie Robertson looking like pregnant Mary just before delivery, and here’s Willie Robertson as Joseph:

Duck Dynasty Christmas Special Willie Robertson as Joseph

And Willie and Korie’s daughter Sadie Robertson was apparently typecast as an angel:

Duck Dynasty Christmas Special Sadie Robertson as an angel

Here are a couple great shots of Willie and Korie (Joseph and Mary) together:

Duck Dynasty Christmas Special Korie and Willie Robertson as Mary and Joseph in the Nativity Scene

Duck Dynasty Christmas Special Willie Robertson and Korie Robertson as Joseph and Mary

Check out this great shot of everyone on stage singing during the performance:

Duck Dynasty Christmas Special Robertson family Nativity Scene

(Speaking of singing and Duck Dynasty and Christmas, be sure to check out the family’s brand new Christmas album Duck the Halls, which debuted toward the end of October as the Number One Country Album on the Billboard charts!)

A&E has been kind enough to share tons of photos from the Duck Dynasty Christmas Special! So many, in fact, that I had to split them up into three posts! As a segue into the next batch of photos, here’s pregnant Korie Robertson, Phil Robertson and Uncle Si as a wise man:

Uncle Si as awise man, Korie Robertson as Mary and Phil Robertson from the Duck Dynasty Seasson 4 Christsmas Special 2013

Happy, happy, happy holidays y’all! Be sure to check out the rest of the photos from the Duck Dynasty Christmas Special airing December 11 at 10/9c on A&E:

More photos of Uncle Si as a wise man, plus Jase, Missy and Phil!

Group photos of the entire Robertson family together (plus Godwin)!

All photos: Karolina Wojtasik / A&E

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