Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson in Tyler Farr’s “Redneck Crazy” music video

Tyler Farr Willie Robertson Redneck Crazy video

Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson has always been a friend to country music — literally. Sangers Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan are regulars on Willie’s Outdoor Channel series Buck Commander, and just last month Willie, Jase and Uncle Si made camo cameos in Darius Rucker’s “Wagon Wheel” music video. Willie can now add another country music video to his resume as he joins singers Lee Brice and Colt Ford in Tyler Farr’s new video for “Redneck Crazy!”

I admit I have numerous favorite parts of the video, but my favorite favorite part is the guy that Tyler Farr’s gal is cheating with! That dude is a perfect caricature of exactly the kind of yuppy that could drive a “manly” man absolutely redneck crazy! I love the scene where he thinks lifting up his shirt and exposing his nipple is hilarious — and then when he is cowering behind Tyler’s gal as “the boys” arrive to put on a show… priceless.

Ah, but enough of that — this here is about Willie y’all! (I’m just realizing Willie has a bad name for trying to get in on the country music game — there ain’t but one Willie in country music, and he’s got a beard and long hair too! And I guess you could say he sometimes sounds like he’s singing through a duck call — but in a perfect way.)

Anyways, speaking of Willie and duck calls…

Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson in Tyler Farr's Redneck Crazy music video

I just wanna know when we can expect to see the ladies of Duck Dynasty in a music video for Miranda Lambert or Carrie Underwood. Or better yet, they should be in the new video for Louisiana’s own Lucinda Williams! Damn, how awesome would that be?!?

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