16 & PREGNANT Lindsey Nicholson hospitalized while pregnant with twins
16 & Pregnant star Lindsey Harrison Nicholson is asking for prayers for her unborn twins as she enters the hospital while just over 24 weeks pregnant.
“Prayers for my babies please,” Lindsey wrote on Instagram, along with a photo of herself in a hospital bed. “It’s too early for them to come. Trying to hold them in,” she added.
After a number of hours had passed, Lindsey returned to Instagram to provide more details for her concerned fans. “I’m now 2cm dilated, cervix soft, contracting regularly,” Lindsay wrote. “I got 1st round of steroid shots for babies need another set again tomorrow.”
Fast forward 12 more hours and Lindsey provided another update with more information about her condition:
I was having over 12 contractions an hour. With some pills they were able to spread them far apart enough to at least [get me to] this afternoon for 2nd round of shots. I’ll be checking for more dilation today. Pray it’s stayed at 2
UPDATE – In early October, Lindsey was readmitted to the hospital at 26 weeks, and she will remain there until the twins arrive. Click here for more details from Lindsey.
Lindsey revealed on Twitter late last month that she was on bed rest in response to a since-deleted tweet by Teen Mom 2 star Briana Dejesus. “Being pregnant is never easy. But when here I am on bed rest and already dialating at 5 months. I would Kill to carry these babies until 40,” Lindsey tweeted. “I just find it so selfish women trying to induce labor so early. When other women would kill to go to 38 weeks.”
Lindsey shared more tweets in August about the difficulties she was experiencing:
Even with the difficulties, Lindsey wasn’t about to pass up on the chance to get some of Rihanna’s Fenty makeup! “I waddled my prego self all the way in @Sephora to buy @rihanna makeup and they were sold out of everything in my skin tone ? ??
” Lindsey tweeted this weekend.
Unfortunately, it seems that Lindsey’s outing are going to be severely limited for the foreseeable future. “Since I’m admitted into the hospital, I had to miss a closing today, my baby shower, & our company 4golf party” Lindsey lamented earlier today.
Our thoughts are with Lindsey, and we certainly wish her and her twin boy and girl, Jackson James & Paisley Lee, a healthy delivery whenever the duo decide to arrive!
UPDATE – Some good news from Lindsey as she was allowed to return home from the hospital. Here are her updates from Twitter:
Doctor allowed me to go home on modified bedrest since my cervix stopped dilating more.I see my ob&specialist each week now until I deliver.
So I’m allowed to do normal day to day activities I just can’t stand for more than 1 hour at a time.
prayers from all to keep my sweet babies in until at least 30 weeks. I believe we can do it
Steroid shots I received are only good for two weeks so praying I don’t deliver within two weeks I go back and get them again in 3 weeks?
Thankfully both babies are measuring at 26 weeks. & weigh almost 2 pounds already.
I am 2cm dilated & 75% effaced for those asking.
We don’t know if I have an incompetent cervix or if it’s just the weight of the twins making it hard for my body to carry.
TJ is the best husband ever. He left at 10pm to get me a heating pad so I wouldn’t have to live in the bath all night.