Why are Casey Anthony’s lawyers abandoning her?

Jose Baez has quit Casey Anthony

Members of the team of lawyers that managed to convince a Florida jury that Casey Anthony was not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee are abandoning ship in a surprisingly rapid fashion.

On Tuesday, Dorothy Sims, who was the member in charge of appealing her fraud conviction filed papers to remove her name as the person of record for the case. That was a little surprising but a real bombshell fell yesterday as Anthony’s lead attorney Jose Baez has followed suit and is opting to no longer represent her. 

Baez famously remarked after the not guilty verdict was handed down that:

“While we’re happy for Casey, there are no winners in this case. Caylee has passed on far, far too soon, and what my driving force has been for the last three years has been always to make sure that there has been justice for Caylee and Casey because Casey did not murder Caylee. It’s that simple. And today our system of justice has not dishonored her memory by a false conviction.”

So what is the reason behind these departures? According to a source with E! (which from my experience is a very dependable outlet) it’s based on the fact that Anthony, who remains in hiding, is still unwilling to undergo psychotherapy. The source added:

“Dorothy and Jose have been trying to get Casey to go into therapy, but she refused to do it. Jose has become a parental figure in her life and she doesn’t want to be told what to do. And he’s done with it. The big issue is the therapy issue. He believes very strongly that if she doesn’t get help she can’t truly move on.”

Anthony has catapulted back into the spotlight recently as a very strange videos were released featuring Casey which she now claims was hacked and stolen. Also, now released court papers have revealed that the 24-year-old told a court psychiatrist that Caylee was the result of a rape that occurred during a party.

Photo: mom&paparazzi.com / Splash News

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