VIDEO Price is Right model Manuela Arbelaez accidentally gives away car
Price is Right veteran model Manuela Arbelaez made a rookie mistake on the game show this week when she accidentally gave away the answer that earned a contestant a $22,000 car.
For the game, contestant Andrea had to guess the price of a Hyundai Sonata. Manuela, who’s been on the show for six years, removed one tag, revealing Andrea’s first guess was wrong… Then she kept going and mistakenly removed a second tag, which said WIN! Andrea didn’t skip a beat before celebrating her victory, but Manuela was visibly mortified when she realized what happened.
Despite the flub, it looks like Andrea got the keep the new car. She should just address her thank-you note to Manuela!
“Congratulations! Manuela just gave you a car,” host Drew Carey good-naturedly announced. “The game is over folks.”
Even though the slip-up was pretty costly, Manuela said she and the producers had a good sense of humor about it all.
For those of you asking: the producers and @DrewFromTV couldn't have been more supportive and understanding. I'm not in trouble
— Manuela Arbelaez (@ManuelaArbelaez) April 2, 2015
I don't usually give expensive gifts, but when I do is a $21,960 CAR. #YoureWelcomeAndrea #WokeUpFeelingGenerous
— Manuela Arbelaez (@ManuelaArbelaez) April 2, 2015
Hey @Oprah now I know what it feels like to be you! Whenever you feel like giving cars away on the show let me know. @PriceIsRight
— Manuela Arbelaez (@ManuelaArbelaez) April 2, 2015
Still, who else wants to bet Price is Right producers will stick Manuela on Plinko duty from now on?