VIDEO President Obama slams heckler during LGBT event: “You’re in my house”

Obama Two



President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were hosting an LGBT Pride Month event at the White House yesterday when one member of the crowd got a little too out-of-control for the President’s liking.

Obama had just begun his remarks to the guests when a single voice rang out, stopping the President in his tracks. He paused, shaking his head several times. “You’re in my house,” President Obama said, and the crowd laughed and began chanting his name.

The President also reminded the speaker that “Now is not the time for this.”

Unfortunately, the speaker continued, and the President gave her two choices: “Either you can stay, and be quiet,” President Obama said, “or we’ll take you out.”

The speaker persisted, and was removed. And, because this was a White House event, there’s video! Skip ahead to the 3:35 mark to see the full confrontation, which lasts for several minutes:



“As a general rule I am fine with a couple of hecklers,” President Obama said, once the person in question had been removed, “but not when I’m up in the house.”

That comment drew a loud roar of approval from the crowd, along with a hearty shoulder pat from Vice President Joe Biden.

“My attitude is,” President Obama continued, “if you’re eating the hors d’oeuvres–you know what I’m saying? And drinking the booze. I know that’s right.”

After the event, the protestor’s identity emerged. Jennicet Gutiérrez is a transgender advocate for FAMILIA TQLM, a groyp dedicated to protecting the rights of transgender immigrants to the United States.

It’s been a pretty good couple of days for President Obama. In addition to defending himself against a heckler, today he got the Supreme Court to side with him in a 6-3 decision that upholds the Affordable Care Act.


(Photo credits: Pete Souza / The White House)

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