
VIDEO Journey’s Neal Schon proposes to Michaele Salahi on stage

Journey guitarist Neal Schon's proposal to Michaele Salahi

It’s now official — former Real Housewives of DC star Michaele Salahi has gone from mock star to rock star! Journey lead guitarist Neal Schon proposed to Michaele on stage Sunday night in Baltimore during a benefit concert for the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center held at the Lyric in the Modell Performing Arts Center.

Journey guitarist Neal Schon proposes on stage to Michael Salahi of Real Housewives of DC

Here’s a video of the proposal, which begins after Schon has asked Michaele on stage and includes the moment he gets down on one knee to pop the question. An emotional Salahi seems ecstatic at the proposal and accepted with a great deal of enthusiasm that she demonstrated with some rather lusty smooching!

After accepting, Michaele danced around gleefully and hugged the band’s lead singer before prancing off stage. the band then went into their rendition of “Faithfully.”

I can’t say that I’m a huge fan of Michaele Salahi, but pretty much any human being deserves better than Tareq Salahi! So congratulations!

***In case you missed it, when Michaele ran off with Schon last September, Tareq called police and reported that she had been kidnapped. The attention-seeking feller even posted a tearful video pleading for the return of his wife. Oh, and Tareq went as far as to sue Schon for $50 million for emotional distress, conspiracy to defame and interfering with a contract. He claims the theft of his wife ruined a number of business deals they had lined up together. Plus, “he also claims Schon taunted him by emailing a photo of his genitals and calling Salahi to tell him he was having sex with Michaele.”

You hang in there Tareq, and remember… “Don’t stop believin! Hold on to that fee-ee-eelin!”

Here are a couple more photos from the Neal Schon proposal to Michaele Salahi:

White House crasher Michaele Salahi engaged to Journey guitarist Neal Schon

Journey's Neal Schon proposes to Michaele Salahi during benefit concert in Baltimore

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