VIDEO Here’s the official song and video for “Better Call Saul,” complete with catchy chorus


The “Better Call Saul” premiere is only a few months away, and AMC is starting to ramp up the publicity machine for serious.

The network has debuted the official “Better Call Saul” song. Not theme song–though a portion of this song may well constitute the theme song for the show, which looks to be alternately wacky and dark.

No, this is an actual song called “Better Call Saul,” written by show creator Vince Gilligan, and performed by country cult icon Junior Brown.

What’s the song about? Why, all the reasons one might need to call a seedy shyster lawyer, of course.

And it’s got a simple, catchy hook for a chorus. So you’ll find yourself humming it to yourself around the office, while cooking dinner, after picking up a tricky 6-7 split at the local bowling lanes…just the way AMC wants it.

By the way: if you’re wondering why you’ve heard of Junior Brown before, it’s probably for this reason right here:


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