VIDEO: Camel falls into crowd during Christmas play

Let this be a lesson to all you zealous pastors out there.  If you’re looking to make a big splash with your Christmas passion play don’t try to use real camels in the production!

This important lesson was learned the hard way by Pastor Chuck Lewis of the First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach in West Palm Beach, FL.  During a rehearsal for their Project Christmas 2010 a camel named Lulabelle was being handled by its trainer when inexplicably it backed away and then lilted over sideways into the audience.

Lulabelle was rented (you can RENT camels!?!) from a company in Ocala.  As a matter of fact the church had used ol’ Lula’ before.  According to Pastor Lewis no one was injured during the camel spill including Lulabelle herself.  The opening night for the play is set for Friday.  I would suggest to those who have center aisle tickets that they look for an alternate seat or at least have their head on a swivel!

Here’s the clip:

If you’re concerned about post traumatic stress for the rent-a-camel don’t worry.  Lulabelle will not be alone as the play calls for the use of real live donkeys and sheep too.  Happy holidays Florida!

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