
VIDEO Baltimore news station interviews drunk woman about hurricane Irene

WJZ 13 in Baltimore interviews drunk girl ont he street about hurricane Irene

Poor Kermit the weatherman. This Baltimore news man finally gets to be like his fearless Weather Channel heroes by risking life and limb to broadcast live from the streets during a hurricane only to have his dream turn into a Merle Haggard song thanks to booze and a very attractive woman…

In case you can’t see the clip (and even if you can!) here’s the immaculately human moment transcribed:

Reporter: Hi.

Drunk Lady: Hi.

Tell me what you’re doing.

I’m gettin’ druuunk tonight!

OK, great. Good. Well, and you live close by?

No, I live in Canton but this rain’s really bad and you should stay inside if, if you know, you have nothing else to do.

OK. Alright.

It’s really bad.

Thank you. Alright we’ll send it back to you guys on [TV hill?] as you can tell what people are doing and they’re not afraid to say it, but uh, the streets are empty and the bars are full.

[Drunk lady runs across the street with her umbrella blown inside out like an inebriated Mary Poppins]

Perhaps it’s just my male bar instincts kicking in, but I think I may be in love! I could seriously spend the rest of my days weathering hurricanes with the lovely and fun-spirited Drunk Lady of South Broadway and Thames Street. And I hate to tell poor Kermit, but he just missed his chance at happiness. Maybe not everlasting happiness, but at least happiness for one night.

Oh, and just in case this clip wasn’t viral perfection enough already… Photobomb alert!

Seriously though, has there ever been a more beautiful sight than drunken inside-out umbrella hurricane girl dashing her way through the storm, across a busy street to the bar on the corner?

Hollywood directors take note – that’s how you end a scene!

I mentioned Merle Haggard at the top of this post, but perhaps it was Hank Thompson who sang it best all the way back in 1952 with the timeless lament of “I didn’t know God made honky tonk angels…”

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