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Todd Chrisley’s mother Faye: Pamela Chrisley threatened to ‘bash my brains’

Todd and Faye Chrisley say Pam Chrisley threatened and blackmailed them

As we previously reported, Todd Chrisley’s soon-to-be former sister-in-law Pamela Chrisley was arrested on Friday for allegedly trying to blackmail the Chrisley family for money in exchange for not selling “family secrets” to the media. Affidavits from Todd Chrisley and his mother, Faye Chrisley, have recently surfaced online, and they detail some of the harassment and alleged threats made by Pamela over the last few months. In addition, they claim that Pamela has a similar history with a previous mother-in-law that also led to an arrest!

The affidavits are both from the last few weeks, with Faye Chrisley’s statement being taken on February 24 and Todd’s on March 3. In Faye’s affidavit, she reveals that her son (and Todd Chrisley’s brother) Randy Chrisley told her in late October of last year that he and wife Pamela were going to separate. “During this tumultuous period of time, Pam began to call and text me with threatening messages,” Faye says. “She demanded that I deposit monies into her account or according to her, ‘she was going to destroy my family’. She also sent me numerous text messages threatening to ‘bash my brains’ if she caught me in town.”

Pam Chrisley arrest mug shot photo

Faye also mentions that Pam (mug shot photo above) publicly posted negative comments about her and her family on social media, as evidenced in part by this lengthy Facebook post in January. Faye then turns the tables on Pam with her own bit of “family secrets” sharing. “I have also learned that Pamela was arrested for assaulting her ex-mother in law which resulted in her being hospitalized for the injuries.”

Meanwhile, Todd Chrisley starts his affidavit by revealing he only saw Pam “6 to 8 times since being introduced in 2012.” According to Todd, Pam wanted herself and husband Randy to appear on Chrisley Knows Best, and when that didn’t happen, that’s when the threats began. Pam allegedly demanded $100,000 in hush money, but Todd and his family refused to pay and demanded that she stop contacting them.

Todd also brings up Pam’s past, citing the incident with her former mother-in-law as well as another incident in which Pam allegedly lied to CPS to gain custody of her grandchild:

I think it is worth noting that Pamela Bryson Chrisley attacked her former mother in law resulting in serious injury and hospitalization. She was arrested for this matter. I have also discovered that Pamela Bryson Chrisley gave false information to the department of children and family services against her own daughter in an attempt to gain custody of her grandchild. This information can be verified through these government agencies. I feel that this behavior shows a pattern of criminal conduct. She has also broken into my mother’s home and stole numerous items including DirecTV equipment as well as items belonging directly to my mother.


Todd Chrisley’s affidavit also reveals that Pam isn’t the only one trying to extort the Chrisley family! Todd’s estranged son Kyle Chrisley‘s wife, Alexus Whilby-Chrisley, is also named in the criminal and civil suits, and it appears as though Todd has been accusing her of extortion since 2014:

Judging from her Facebook page, Alexus and Kyle Chrisley are still together, and their relationship appears to be stronger than ever. Here’s a photo from Valentine’s Day last month:

Kyle Chrisley wife Alexus Whilby 2016

Getting back to Pam, something that remains unknown at this point are the details about the “family secrets” that she allegedly knows about and was threatening to release to the National Enquirer. However, with criminal and civil cases pending, I can’t imagine that information won’t eventually come out during the investigation.

In addition to the affidavits, Todd spoke with Radar Online about Pam’s extortion. The site reports that “his sister-in-law threatened to kill his mother Faye by ‘stomping on her face!'” Todd adds: “I do not know Pamela and I will fortunately never have to. She threatened my family and tried to extort money from us. No one, I repeat, NO ONE, disrespects or threatens my family without having to pay severe consequences.”

Here are both Faye Chrisley’s and Todd Chrisley’s full affidavits:

Todd Chrisley and mom Faye Chrisley together


Please allow this letter to serve as an affidavit on my behalf. All of the information contained herein is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.

Pamela Bryson Chrisley is the wife of my son, Randy Chrisley. She resided at my home at 1653 East Main Street, Westminster, SC 29693 with Randy during various times from 2012 until fall of 2015. She, at no time, ever paid rent to me or contributed any monies toward any expenses related to the property.

On or about October 25, 2015 my son, Randy, informed me that he and Pam were going to separate. Randy and his two children remained in my home at 1653 East Main Street, Westminster, SC 29693. According to my son, Pam rented an apartment located on the same street where my property is located. During this tumultuous period of time, Pam began to call and text me with threatening messages. She demanded that I deposit monies into her account or according to her, “she was going to destroy my family”. She also sent me numerous text messages threatening to “bash my brains” if she caught me in town. She has continued to post negative comments and lies about me on various social media outlets including Facebook. She has continued this harassment through phone calls, text messages, and Facebook postings. She has also conveyed to Randy on numerous occasions that she would never stop until either my son, Todd, or me paid her $100,000.00. Based on these threats, I am afraid for my personal safety and afraid to go to my own home to visit my son and grandchildren. I have also learned that Pamela was arrested for assaulting her ex-mother in law which resulted in her being hospitalized for the injuries.

E. Faye Chrisley



Please allow this document to serve as my affidavit. The information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I, Michael Todd Chrisley, am the brother of Randy Chrisley. I have been in the presence of Randy’s wife, Pamela Bryson Chrisley, approximately 6 to 8 times since being introduced in 2012.

Pam expressed interest in wanting to participate in my family’s reality television show. After I told her that she and Randy would not be participating she then began to threaten me and try to extort monies. She stated that if I wasn’t going to include she and Randy then I would need to pay her $100,000. as it wasn’t fair that they couldn’t benefit from the show. She was also upset that I would help my brother financially and that I would not do the same for her. She has also sent threatening text messages to me and posted negative comments on Facebook. She has said that she would destroy my family and show and that I could find out from her former spouses how far she would go to destroy someone. Pamela Bryson Chrisley is now being investigated with another individual, Alexus Whilby, in the state of Georgia for colluding to extort money from our family. Attorneys have been retained in the state of Georgia and are filing for restraining orders against Alexus Whilby and Pamela Bryson Chrisley. Criminal charges are also forthcoming in the state of Georgia for extortion. There is also a civil suit being filed against Alexus Whilby and Pamela Bryson Chrisley for slander, deformation of character, and torturous interference with business. I have repeatedly asked Pamela Bryson Chrisley, when she has called me, to refrain from contacting me or my mother, Faye Chrisley or I would be seeking all legal remedies afforded me. Pamela has text me on numerous occasions slandering my brother, Randy Chrisley, making threats. Approximately 4 weeks ago Pamela started a text conversation with me slandering my brother to which I responded in order to get her to continue her slanderous attack on my brother’s character, all in an effort to have this in writing. As my goal is and has always been for Pamela Bryson Chrisley to refrain from communicating with our family and to stop the harrassment lies and verbal attacks. I think it is worth noting that Pamela Bryson Chrisley attacked her former mother in law resulting in serious injury and hospitalization. She was arrested for this matter. I have also discovered that Pamela Bryson Chrisley gave false information to the department of children and family services against her own daughter in an attempt to gain custody of her grandchild. This information can be verified through these government agencies. I feel that this behavior shows a pattern of criminal conduct. She has also broken into my mother’s home and stole numerous items including Directs equipment as well as items belonging directly to my mother.

I am seeking relief from the court for a restraining order that will prohibit Pamela Bryson Chrisley from coming within 500 feet of our family, a gag order that will prohibit her from discussing our family with any third party and the return of all personal items that belong to my mother. I will also be seeking reimbursement of legal fees resulting from this action.

Michael Todd Chrisley

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