Texas woman sentenced to life in prison after 6th DWI

Rose Ann Davidson mugshot

A Hays County jury on Wednesday sentenced a San Marcos, Texas woman to life in prison following her 6th conviction of driving while intoxicated.

44-year-old Rose Ann Davidson was arrested on July 27, 2012 after an officer observed her driving erratically. It was concluded that she was intoxicated and an open container of beer was found in her vehicle.

It turns out that Davidson had five other DWI convictions on her record dating back to 1996. When she was arrested in July she was said to have only recently been released from prison according to Hays County officials.

A person under the name Chris Reyna on KXAN’s comment section stated that Davidson was a relative and had the following to say about the sentencing:

This is my aunt I understand she was wrong for driving drunk but she has never had an accident or injured anyone while driving..its bullsh*t how people that have killed people by drinking and driving drunk and murder dont even get life..

Her trial took place in front of Judge Jack Robison.

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