
Texan teens checking out “attractive” blonde realize she’s being kidnapped

Aaron Arias Jamal Harris

Two Texas teenagers proved that the often overwhelming hormones at that age aren’t all bad as their natural instincts to notice an “attractive” female led to the discovery that the unnamed woman was being kidnapped.

Aaron Arias, 19, and Jamal Harris, 17, were cruising around in Seagoville, Texas when their attention was caught by a woman looking back at them from another car at a stoplight. Harris realized that she was mouthing the words “help me” to them and Arias immediately dialed 911.

From the call:

“It’s me and another guy, so we’re checking out the girl in the backseat because, we’re like, ‘OK, she’s kind of attractive,'” Arias said. “And then, all of the sudden, you know, the guy is turned back, looking at us.”

The teens remained on the phone with the 911 dispatcher as they tailed the vehicle down U.S. 175 for nearly 30 minutes until police arrived and safely rescued the unidentified 25-year-old woman.

The suspect, Charles Atkins Lewis Jr., was arrested and charged with aggravated kidnapping. Police state that Lewis Jr. forced the victim into her own Lexus at gunpoint after leaving a party in downtown Dallas.

Arias told NBCDFW he was able to meet the woman at the scene and that she gave both he and Harris a hug. “She hugs us. I would describe it as the best hug I have ever gotten,” he remembered.

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