
TEEN MOM 3 Katie Yeager reveals the sex of her baby

Pregnant Katie Yeager gender reveal photo

Two months after officially announcing that she is currently pregnant with her second child, former Teen Mom 3 star Katie Yeager has FINALLY revealed whether her daughter Molli is going to have a little brother or a little sister!

Just like her pregnancy announcment, Katie’s gender reveal came in the form of an Instagram photo which cut right to the chase:

For those of you who don't already know ?

A photo posted by katiebyeager (@katiebyeager) on

IT’S A GIRL!!! Yay, another Yeagerl!!!

We spoke with Katie when she announced her pregnancy, and at the time she and her boyfriend of more than a year (and dad to be) had yet to pick out any names. However, Katie said they would start the process soon after finding out whether they were having a boy or girl — which was a while ago judging from her photo caption above — so I’m guessing they might have a few picked out already.

Unlike her co-star Mackenzie McKinney, Katie is keeping her pregnancy journey pretty much on the down low as far as social media goes, but we did get this Katie selfie snap on Saturday along with the caption “Feeling swollen and pregnant ???”

Teen Mom 3 Katie Yeager pregnant selfie 2016

Katie also documented some of her pregnancy cravings on Instagram last week in the form of a photo of her and daughter Molli’s meals:

Ummm, “turkey&cheese, pickles, lettuce, Dijon mustard, and balsamic dressing, buffalo ranch fries, strawberries, and sugar snap peas” sounds pretty damn good to me! Perhaps I should go pee on a stick? 😉

But let’s not forget that pregnancy cravings can be hazardous to your health:

Congratulations again to Katie and Mr. Thayn! We look forward to finding out their daughter’s name and eventually getting to meet her via pictures soon!

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