
VIDEO Ke$ha Christmas song is a pisser

Pop singer Ke$ha is just getting stranger and stranger. Her wardrobe choices have always been in question but her latest stunt may have just taken the $’s cake. In a video posted via her YouTube channel Ke$ha belts out a sweet version of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” when inexplicably an unnamed woman appears behind her in the snow and begins urinating.

I guess this is how Ke$ha says Merry Christmas folks!


Ke$ha’s wacky fashion goes 3D for Jimmy Kimmel Live

Ke$ha was back at her, “Fashion: You’re Doing It Wrong” ways following a taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live that is set to air tonight. Double decker 3D glasses combined with leather and studs topping animal print spandex just doesn’t do it for me. Actually I don’t think I want to meet the person this WOULD do it for. Maybe the “$’s” nutty get ups will become endearing someday but I doubt it!


VIDEO: The real story behind Ke$ha’s dollar sign

In the most important celebrity secret reveal in the last 20 years pop singer Ke$ha finally explains the traumatic reason behind the infamous dollar sign that appears in her name. Some may have wanted to know who shot J.R. The world may have been a little curious about Tiger Woods’ and Jesse James’ extra marital affairs but everyone needed to know about the “$” and we finally have an answer. Read on for the tearful recollection of an inspiring CPA hopelessly forced to become a mega-succesful pop star.

Kid Rock’s 2010 EMA Awards finger flipping after party

If you’re a rock star and its 4AM after an award show it can be hard to figure out what to do with your time. You could hit the sack and sleep off the drinks, you could sit down and write another crappy homage to an originally good song, or if you’re Kid Rock you can ignite an impromptu finger flipping festival!

Check out photos of Kid’s post 2010 EMA Awards show Ke$ha copying middle finger party throw down with some eager young female fans here.


PHOTOS: Ke$ha flashes sequined panties during new video shoot

There sure is a lot going on in Ke$ha’s video shoot for “We R Who We R” currently filming in downtown L.A. We’ve got some red sequined panty flashing, rosary beads, lingerie stockings, a tattered American flag dress, some Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome inspired hair, kneeling blondes, and the singer crowd surfing after dangling from wires.

Check out our photo gallery right here. Oh, and did I mention red sequined panty fla$hing!?!


Fashion victim Ke$ha upstaged by dancers on the Today Show

“Tik Tok” singing pop star Ke$ha has received a ton of negative press for her questionable fashion choices, but during this morning’s Today Show performance in NYC she had an answer: have her dancers wear the most ridiculous get ups imaginable! Amazingly, I think her plan worked!

See the golden show-ers in all their spandex glory, videos of all three songs, a still shot of a woman way too old to be into Ke$ha rocking out, and a very uncomfortable kid dancing.

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Who is Ke$ha’s new boyfriend Alex Carapetis?

Ke$ha made her way to Chicago for Lollapalooza and along with her usual odd fashion choices she sported some new crunchy arm candy. The bearded rock-star looking guy is Alex Carapetis from Australia. So just who is this new man who’s love is Ke$ha’s drug? Lets find out about our mate from the land down under and what sources had to say about how serious the two are getting.

Bonus: See a twitter pic of a heart tattoo on Alex’s hand that could possibly be a symbol of his Ke$ha affection!


PHOTOS Ke$ha as Naughty $murfette at Casio’s “Shock the World” event

Singer and Hot Topic poster child Ke$ha arrived on the red carpet at the Casio ‘Shock the World’ event looking like she just got off work from the Smurf Village Happy Ending Massage Parlor with bright blue lipstick and matching blue “scratches” on her arm. Keep reading to Tiptoe Through the Blue Lips and see photos of Ke$ha performing during the event.

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Rihanna to cancel US tour because of low ticket sales?

It was announced last week that Rihanna would be canceling her shows in Phoenix and Dallas on her upcoming North American Tour and now Media Takeout has talked to a music industry insider who tells them the rest of the tour may be in jeopardy as well! The reason? A lack of ticket sales! Keep reading for more details and an updated list of tour dates for Rihanna’s “Last Girl On Earth Tour” featuring Ke$ha!


PHOTOS Rihanna flashes her Vuh-Jay-Jay-Z at the BBC Big Weekend 2010 concert

I don’t think anyone would dispute the fact that Rihanna knows how to use sex to sell records, but after some disappointing sales from her latest album Rated R she might be pushing the sinvelope a little too far. During her performance at BBC Radio 1’s ‘Big Weekend 2010’ held in Bangor, Wales yesterday Rihanna got a little “in your face” with her “intimate place” if you know what I mean.

Also, see how Ke$ha once again failed at shock fashion while demeaning the American Flag and Wonder Woman.