
Sarah Palin talks about Bristol’s pregnancy, says her ‘heart goes out to single parents’


Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has finally opened up about her daughter Bristol Palin’s second pregnancy.

During an in-depth interview with CBS Sunday Morning, the controversial topic came up for the conservative firebrand. Bristol was at one time a teen pregnancy prevention spokesperson before getting pregnant a second time. Because of her rigid stance against pre-marital sex, Bristol caught a bunch of heat. She replied by explaining that her pregnancy with then fiance Dakota Meyer was planned, but that their relationship falling apart before they wed was most certainly not.

Here’s how Palin’s exchange with reporter Tracy Smith went:

You mentioned that one of your disappointments this year was Bristol’s wedding falling through.


The marriage falling through. Bristol’s pregnant again.

Yeah. Yeah.

That can’t be how you saw this playing out — unmarried and pregnant again?

Heck, no. Because being a single mom is, oh my goodness, my heart goes out to the single parents. But my enormous admiration for what it is that they’re able to accomplish doing double-duty. And I watch Bristol do double-duty all the time, you know, with her little boy, Tripp… I can’t wait for about 45 more days, and I’m gonna have a little baby granddaughter. And I’m happy about it.

You’re looking at it like a blessing.

Absolutely. Yeah.

Of course, there are those who say, ‘Come on, this goes against everything you stand for.’

Well, the cool thing about puttin’ your faith in God is, He certainly is a God of second chances, and third, and fourth, and fifth chances. I screw up all the time.

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