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RHOA’s Cynthia Bailey discusses fallout with NeNe Leakes


The peaches of Atlanta have brought the drama this year solidifying their position as the top show in the Real Housewives franchise. One of the underlying story lines has been the fallout between Cynthia Bailey and NeNe Leakes.

For the first time, Bailey is discussing her reasons for defriending Leakes and putting an end, at least for now, to “The Talls.” This of course comes after NeNe insinuated on a recent episode of WWHL, that Bailey would not be a part of next season’s cast.

Here’s what the former model had to tell InTouch about the feud:

On where the beef started:

She insulted my husband by calling him a “bi*tch” or “acting like a bi*ch” or however you want to put it—it all leads to “bi*ch,” which is completely offensive and disrespectful and I would never, under any circumstance, speak to her husband that way.

On how NeNe’s comments via Watch What happens Live furthered the divide:

I thought, honestly, that we would be able to get past it. But when I saw what she said about me on Watch What Happens Live, I was speechless. I know what I bring to the show. I was relevant before the show, I’m relevant on the show and guess what? I’ll be relevant after the show. I know for a fact that I bring the class and the balance and the grace to the show and I know people tune in specifically because of me and my husband [Peter Thomas]. What she did is just despicable. I would never do that to her even if we were not friends.

On what it would take for the friendship to be salvaged:

I feel like the only way we would ever be friends again is if she truly apologizes to me and mean it and then I would be open to it, but I don’t owe her an apology. I haven’t done anything to her, so since she doesn’t apologize for anything and is never wrong about anything, that’s going to be a cold day in hell before that ever happens so I don’t foresee us being friends going forward. Don’t get me wrong, I wish her continued success. But I’m never going to step down to NeNe’s level. She is going to have to step up to mine if we’re ever going to be friends again.

To get the rest of Cynthia’s thoughts about Leakes, check out her interview via InTouch.

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