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REPORT Child molester in “total compliance,” can hang around Honey Boo Boo


The news that Mama June Shannon has rekindled a romance with Mark McDaniel, the man convicted of forcing oral sex on June’s daughter when she was just 8-years-old, has fans of the show and folks in general dismayed and disgusted.

Many wondered if officials in Georgia or law enforcement would step in considering that June’s 3 youngest girls, all minors, still live at home. Yesterday we posted up a response from a spokesperson with Child and Family Services who indicated that while this type of circumstance would “raise concern” they could not comment specifically on whether or not June’s particular case was being investigated.

The Dekalb County Sheriff’s Office has been receiving a heavy volume of calls from concerned citizens after the news broke but as far as they’re concerned there’s nothing illegal happening.

McDaniel spent nearly a decade behind bars for his crime. Having paid his debt to society, he is not legally prohibited from hanging out with June or any of her girls except for his victim – Anna Cardwell. As we reported, Cardwell has no interest in having the man anywhere near her or her family, she no longer lives with June.

Bottom line – McDaniel can be around June and her 3 younger girls, including Honey Boo Boo, all he wants and is in “total compliance” according to law enforcement sources with TMZ. While Children’s Services may be looking into the situation, if there’s no real threat to the children – they can’t take any actions either.

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