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VIDEO What does Jessa Duggar’s fiancé, Ben Seewald, do?

Jessa Duggar Fiance Ben Seewald

At just 19, Ben Seewald is clearly willing to assume more responsibilities than many peers. But — as future father-in-law Jim Bob Duggar surely inquired during Jessa’s courtship — how does Ben plan to support the family?

When Ben and Jessa started courting in September 2013, the new high-school graduate was living at his parents’ home in Hot Springs, Ark., which is some four hours from the Duggars’ Tontitown residence. According to information on his Facebook page at the time, he was starting a windshield repair business. (Dad Michael Seewald is an auto glass repair technician.) Ben later began working as an insurance representative, but recently made a big transition by relocating to the Duggars’ compound to “accelerate” his relationship with Jessa.

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald Side Hug Engagement

“It has been really good. He has been able to spend a lot more time with Jessa and our family. We have a guesthouse in front of our house, with a shower and everything, separate from the main house,” Jim Bob Duggar told People last week. “We asked him if he would be interested in moving up here so that Jessa and his relationship could be really accelerated. He was all for it and his parents were happy about it.”

Although the move obviously worked out well for Ben and Jessa, it meant he had to leave the work he was doing in Hot Springs behind. Fortunately, Jim Bob — who manages various properties around the area — was able to add Ben to his payroll.

“We have so many projects to do that we need help for,” Jim Bob said. “Everything from construction projects to keeping the grass mowed to putting roof on a building, paperwork and things like that.”

Even though it sounds like he has a pretty cushy job with the Duggars, Ben is continuing online college courses. According to his public Facebook page, he ultimately wants to be a pastor or missionary.

19 Kids and Counting returns to TLC on Tuesday at 9/8c.

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