Was Real Housewives of DC’s Michaele Salahi really a Redskins cheerleader and Miss USA?
Media outlets are describing the now-infamous D.C. Housewife White House Crasher Michaele Salahi as a former Washington Redskins cheerleader, and she put the above pictures of herself on Facebook posing with RedSkins pompoms. There’s just a tiny problem with this factoid: The Redskins told Foxnews.com that they have “no records she was a cheerleader for the team.”
There are also reports that Michaele is a former Miss USA, but there is no record to back that up either.
There is also a “source” who talked to the FabLife about Michaele’s desperate attempt to fake herself into being photographed as a Redskins cheerleader by showing up at Redskins Cheerleader reunions and convincing real ex-cheerleaders to let her hold their pompoms. She was really a Nordstrom makeup counter girl who couldn’t dance.
All the other Real Housewives villains may have met their match. White House crasher Michaele Salahi, and rumored Real Housewives of Washington D.C. castmember, has more shenanigans in her past than Gretchen Rossi has compromising photos on the internet, and that’s saying a lot. She’s possibly lied about being a Redskins cheerleader, a Victoria’s Secret model, and been involved with bogus charities, among other things. The biggest audicity was her latest swindle, strolling into the White House State Dinner without invitation or an ounce of shame.
Everyone is rightfully aflutter about the security breach Michaele managed when she crashed President Obama’s first State Dinner Tuesday night (November 24, 2009) with her husband Tareq Salahi. Although the Salahi’s attorney Paul Morrison claims that they did nothing wrong and won’t be needing his services, the feds are currently investigating the situation. Half Yard Productions was filming the Salahis for BRAVO because they were being considered for the Housewives Show, but thought the Salahis were actually invited to the dinner. Michaele was bold about her accomplishment, and posted photos from the event smiling with Biden and other distinguished guests with the following brassy statement:
Honored to have attended the state dinner at the White House in honor of India with President Obama and our First Lady. INDIA & the USA will challenege each other for the first time on the DC National Mall in June 2010 in what will be another proud and historic moment. XO MICHAELE
Michaele has also used her Facebook page to openly court a cohost role in daytime talk shows including NBC and even asking to “tag-team” Regis with Kelly Rippa. This kooky lady’s entire life is a hoax! She may not even been real. Richard Heene and Clifford Irving need to be taking notes. You finally did it Michaele, welcome to fame.
Michaele and Tareq Salahi were scheduled to appear on Larry King Monday night, but have canceled to sell their interview to the highest bidder.
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