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PHOTOS JWoww WOWS at recent promotional appearance

Jenni JWoww Farley Ab Cuts

Jersey Shore hottie Jenni ‘JWoww’ Farley made a recent appearance at a GNC store in Paramus, NJ to promote the supplement Ab Cuts by Revolution. I’m not sure what Ab Cuts supplements but from the event photos of JWoww it is apparent she didn’t need any cleavage supplementation!

Before the promotion she sent a tweet-out to her followers to let them know about the event and that she would only be able to sign a limited amount of whatever she was signing; the bottle of supplements? Here’s the heads up from Jenni:

Man, she should have let everybody know she would be wearing THAT dress. The folks would have been lined up from GNC clear to the Turnpike baby! As an appreciation for Jwoww giving me the WOW here’s a little product blog placement info from Revolution’s site:

The ingredients in Abdominal Cuts supplement the body with a wide array of healthy oils that assist with body-fat reduction (particularly in the abdominal area), healthy metabolism, antioxidant supply and anti-inflammatory assistance.

Revolution Abdominal Cuts contains naturally occurring, healthy oils that are clinically proven to reduce body fat. This special formula specifically targets stubborn fat cells found near the stomach, hips, and butt.

Abdominal Cuts contains absolutely NO stimulants, therefore preventing any negative side effects such as jitters or headaches that are common with many other weight reduction products. Abdominal Cuts also utilizes a progressive form of liquid gel technology, making each capsule small and easy-to-swallow.

No mention of what Ab Cuts can do for the breastesses. I guess that’s just a natural occurring Farley spice. Sorry gals, they don’t sell that in pill form.

Here’s a full body shot just to see if you can manage to keep your eyes down. I know I couldn’t!

Jenni JWoww Farley Ab Cuts

All Photos: Splashnews.com

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